Global Climate Change

What causes “global warming”?

57 Responses

  1. susan says:

    Global warming is mostly caused by the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases don’t allow the heat to escape the atmosphere, having the climate become warmer and warmer.

  2. Elijah says:

    I claim that global warming, while being caused primarily by humanity, also is effected by some natural things. Humanity contributes by releasing greenhouse gas into the air via cars and other industrial devices. Nuclear devices, being ICBM’s or nuclear reactor melting down also contribute to global warming. Some natural causes of global warming, although they are not contributing to the extreme humans, are volcanic eruptions.

    • Elijah says:

      My initial post wasn’t wrong, but in it, I framed greenhouse gas as a bad thing, which is not entirely true. Greenhouse gas is needed to achieve the climate that we currently have, however an excessive amount of these gases, examples include co2, will allow more heat to contribute to the change of our climate.

  3. Lily says:

    I claim that global warming is caused by things that are found in the atmosphere because, carbon dioxide and gases are found in some atmospheres. Those things also collect sunlight and radiation.

    • Lily says:

      I claim that global warming is caused by greenhouse gases. It collects heat and carbon dioxide which is now trapped so it makes a gas.

  4. Lydia says:

    I think that there are a few things that cause climate change or global warming,like pollutants and carbon dioxide. My evidence is Scientists have observed the rise with the carbon dioxide levels and it rises along with the temperature. Pollution can also cause global warming. The gases that are released from cars and factories go into the atmosphere and cause it to heat up. Another thing that can cause global warming is volcanic eruptions or tropical storms, which can cause the climate to change for long periods of time.

    • Lydia says:

      I claim that humans and some natural causes are changing climate. My evidence is humans are using cars and machinery and burn fossil fuels which release carbon dioxide, one of the main greenhouse gases, into the atmosphere. Tropical storms can also cause the climate to change for long periods of time.

  5. Amaryllis says:

    I claim that global warming is mostly caused by greenhouse gases because when factories release their gases and chemicals into the air those gases and chemicals don’t go away, they stay in the atmosphere and collect together. They can also damage the ozone layer of the atmosphere by destroying some of the ozone molecules so more of the sun’s harmful rays can come down on the Earth.

    • Amaryllis says:

      I claim that global warming is mostly caused by greenhouse gases which humans produce. My evidence is that when we build more factories that release harmful gases and chemicals into the atmosphere, we just keep building onto the gases that are up in the atmosphere. These gases also eat at the ozone molecules and make it so more of the sun’s harmful rays shine down on earth and hurt the earth and everything that lives on it.

  6. Raegan says:

    I think global warming can be caused a rise in the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. A build-up of certain greenhouse gases could potentially cause the earth to obtain and keep more heat in. This is caused by human activity, things like factories release these gases.

    • Raegan says:

      Global warming is caused by a build-up of greenhouse gases in the Earth’s atmosphere. This causes them to keep heat in that comes from the sun. These greenhouse gases can be caused by human activity. Factories and machines can release these gases into the atmosphere, causing there to be too much greenhouse gases which keeps more heat in the atmosphere. CO2 is the most common greenhouse gas that is talked about when the topic global warming comes up. This is because it is a big part of the chemicals released into the atmosphere by humans.

  7. Lexi says:

    I claim that global warming is caused by human activity. My evidence is that because we burn tons of coal, natural gas, and oil too much carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere. This can lead to heat being trapped on earth, and essentially the earths temperature rising.

    • Lexi says:

      I claim that global warming has been the effect of humans releasing too many greenhouse gases. My evidence is that we use a ton of coal, oil, and natural gas on a daily basis. So much so that the amount of greenhouse gases we have released has trapped so much heat that the earths temperature is slowly increasing.

  8. Samara says:

    I claim that global warming is caused by greenhouse gases and natural disasters. My evidence is greenhouse gases work the same as a greenhouse, letting the sun’s heat in, then trapping it. The greenhouse effect may lead to overheating. Natural disasters can have a surprisingly grand effect on the Earth’s climate. They can cause partial to stay up in the atmosphere for years.

    • Samara says:

      I claim global warming is caused by greenhouse gases. My evidence is a rise in Co2 is causing heat to be let in, but keeping more in than in past years. For the survival of humans this greenhouse effect is necessary to an extent, but if it gets to warm we may also all die. Scientists can tell that it is warmer with more Co2 than in past years by examining ice cores. There is a connection between rise in Co2 and temperature based on all the information at our disposal. Finally, it is very likely that humans are the cause of this rise in Co2 that is causing the Earth to warm, by burning oil and other natural gases.

  9. Allyssa says:

    I claim the main cause of global warming is the buildup of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The gases act as insulation so they trap the warm air closer to the surface instead of the air being released higher in the atmosphere. Burning fossil fuels, like coal, the large amount of cars on the roads, and large-scale factories mostly release the gases.

    • Allyssa says:

      I still claim that the main cause of global warming is the buildup of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, but continental drift can also cause a change in an area’s climate. My evidence is that the gases insulate the atmosphere and let heat enter but trap it close to the surface instead of releasing it. Continental drift can cause climate change because an area in that was previously in the tropics can be moved closer to a temperate zone over a long period of time.

  10. josh says:

    Global warming is caused by increasing amounts of greenhouse gases being released into the atmosphere. Some of the greenhouse gases are, Water Vapor (H2O) Ozone (O3) Nitrogen Trifluoride (NF3) Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6) Hexafluoroethane (C2F6) Nitrous oxide (N2O) Tetrafluoromethane (CF4) Chlorodifluoromethane (CHClF2) Dichlorodifluoromethane (CCl2F2) Methane (CH4) and Carbon Dioxide (CO2). these gases absorb the UV rays of the sun and act as a hot blanket, warming up the earth.

    • Josh says:

      Global warming is still caused by increasing amounts of greenhouse gases being released into the atmosphere, but I am now more aware of how they get there. Although biologists say that global warming is because of Humans, (which it partly is) global warming is also caused by natural events, such as Volcanic eruptions. When Mount St. Helens erupted, it cast more energy and carbon dioxide into the atmosphere that humans do over the course 3 years and while they temporarily cool the earth (due to the ash they put in in the air) over time it has an astounding impact on the level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

  11. She says:

    Global warming is a subject that most, if not all, scientists agree upon. At the very least, they agree that it is happening. The atmosphere is constantly weakening and warming by the emissions of greenhouse gasses, which trap the heat from sunlight inside the atmosphere, where it would normally escape back in space. This causes an unwarranted amount of warmth to stay inside, causing cold areas to warm, ice to melt, and generally be not good.

    • Shae says:

      I claim that my past post is pretty good. Greenhouse gases do keep heat in, and glacial melt is not good, but there is one thing I didn’t mention. Volcanic eruptions can help to lower the Earth’s temperature. By releasing massive amounts of ash into the air, it blocks out the sun rays, lowering the temperature by a few degrees.

  12. Kyleisha says:

    I claim that global warming is caused by greenhouse gases because the air gets trapped. For example, cars let off gas and factories burn coal which both go into the atmosphere.

    • Kyleisha says:

      I claim that humans cause global climate changes. For example humans burn fossil fuels like oil or coal which goes into the atmosphere. Humans also cause climate change by driving cars, oil is used in gasoline engine vehicles.

  13. Maddox says:

    I claim that global warming is caused by greenhouse gasses which deteriorate the ozone layer and the ozone layer protects us from the sun’s powerful waves but the less of the ozone layer there is the warmer it will get on earth.

    • maddox says:

      I claim that global warming is caused by greenhouse gasses deteriorate the ozone layer and how the ozone layer protects us from the suns powerful rays and . If there is no ozone layer it will be very hot on the earths surface and all the plants would die off and the animals (herbivores) would disappear also if the herbivores died off the carnivores would eventually too.

  14. daniel says:

    Global warming is cause greenhouse gases heating up the earth and not letting the earth cool down.

    • daniel says:

      I claim that Global warming is cause greenhouse gases not letting the sun rays return to the sun and as more and more sun rays pile up the earth will get warmer and warmer until the earth reaches its limit.

  15. nariah says:

    I claim that global warming is caused by gases from cars. For example coal and car gases go through the air and then pollutes the environment.

  16. Cade says:

    Global warming is the effect of greenhouse gases being released into the atmosphere. Causing the planet to heat up from all of the heat that the human race has been producing over time. I like to think of it as a bubble around the Earth that won’t let the heat out.

    • Cade says:

      Global climate change is caused by gases being released into the atmosphere. After the gases are released into the atmosphere, the gases then trap the heat from our sun. Houses, factories and even our cars give off the gases. But as of right now heat can barely escape into space but the more we pollute our planet the worse it will get. My evidence is the scientific research to back up my reasoning. Such as some of the graphs and papers we looked at in class. C02 is the main gas that is the problem.

  17. grace says:

    I claim that global warming is caused by the amount of humidity that is in the air. The amount of humidity can cause that by when there is a lot of humidity in the temperature is a lot hotter than normal and it feels sticky outside from all the moisture.

  18. Aurora says:

    I claim what cause global warming are gases stuck in the atmosphere. For example when factories burn coal that goes up to the atmosphere, and cars let out gas.

    • Aurora says:

      I claim that the amount of greenhouse gas we have released has been trapping the heat and the Earth’s temperature is slowly increasing. My evidence is we use a ton of oil, coal, and natural gas every day. Scientists have been examining ice cores and there is more Co2 now than in the past.

  19. Frank says:

    I claim that global warming is caused by factories the gases go up into the air and get trapped in the atmosphere that causes all the ice glaciers to melt. It also causes the hurricanes because of the water temp. and the air temp. are the same.

    • Frank says:

      I claim that global warming is caused by humans because if you look at an ice core you can get that some places were warm but now cold. But if you were to go to antarctica it is super cold and mostly tundra.

  20. chello says:

    I claim that global warming is caused mostly by people and how we use the things we make. Canned spray products and the factories that produce them release greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere which heats up the world’s climate causing tundras to heat up areas that are naturally cool.

    • Chello says:

      I claim that global warming is caused by humans and when we make greenhouse gasses that get released into the air like Methane, Sulfur, and Carbon dioxide.
      These gasses trapped in the earths atmosphere and when the sun hits these gasses they begin to heat up and warm the global climate.

  21. Robert says:

    I claim that people, pollution cause global warming by people driving in cars which makes greenhouse gas, and pollution burns fossil fuels and oil that goes in the lake, ocean, or river if it spills or they put it in the water and it affects the water.

    • Robert says:

      I claim that pollution is caused by greenhouse gas and pollution it affects the climate. The climate is changing and it’s making the temperature go up and melting the glaciers which is maing the ocean rising up and changing place’s temperature. The place could be warm and dry or it could be cold.

  22. glenn says:

    What causes Global Warming ?
    Global warming is caused by polluting lakes and oceans. Pollution is also caused by running cars that release gases into the air that are trapped in our atmosphere. Another way pollution causes climate change is factories put gases up into the atmosphere.

    • glenn says:

      I claim that the climate change is a serious thing, because of our human nature of throwing things in the trash instead of the recycling. Our use of automobiles or vehicles by releasing carbon dioxide or C02. Another thing is factories, they release the most C02. Gases that go into air or atmosphere C02 and other gases get trapped and makes thing hotter. My evidence is the fossil data shows a rapid change in the climate. Places that are now cold used to be warm,we know this because of the fossil record. Ice cores show the layers of when places got hotter or colder.

  23. Gaven says:

    I claim that global warming happens because of factories that cause pollution with air and water. Polluted gases that go into the atmosphere make smog which makes it hard to breathe and traps heat on the earth’s surface. People will get sick.

    • Gaven says:

      I claim that global warming is caused by carbon dioxide . The heat from the sun gets trapped by the carbon dioxide into the earth’s atmosphere. My evidence is that from the table we looked at in class. As the carbon dioxide increased so did the average global temperature. Human activity is increasing the C02 levels by driving cars, polluting the air with factory smog, and by just using fossil fuels.

  24. Kashauna says:

    I claim that global warming is caused by gases coming from many different areas and a lot of it. For example, if there are gases coming from a greenhouse, they will not be able to leave the atmosphere, thus trapping in the warm air, making it unable to escape.

    • Kashauna says:

      I claim that global warming happens due to human activity. For example, many people around the world drive vehicles. Vehicles emit exhaust, which is not good for the air nor the atmosphere. There are an average of 1 billion cars being driven each day. There are other causes as well, such as factories, sea level rising, etc. In conclusion, many of the causes of global warming are due to humans.

  25. Vaeh says:

    I claim that global warming is caused by pollutants in the air like, car exhaust and methane gas. The burning of resources (oil, coal) causes global warming and its a big deal on our Earth. Natural disasters like hurricanes etc. could also be a problem, the damage to our society and the stuff not being cleaned up could cause global warming because of the pollutants not being cleaned up. Our pollution also causes global warming and our littering is horrible, lets make a change on Earth Day April 22! Lets hope it doesn’t snow!!!

    • Vaeh says:

      I still agree with my last post about what causes global warming, but there are also other factors too. First, methane gas and car exhaust is still an existing factor to the causes of global warming but also there are many other pollutants in the air like carbon dioxide it is a main pollutant because its all around… we emit it when we exhale and so do animals and plants use it as a resource! but it is not harmless. What these pollutants do to the earth is make the climate change pretty drastically than the last season and the current season. It could be warmer in the summer and very very cold in the winter during changing of seasons because different areas climates in the world are changing. We still need to make a change in 11 days on Earth Day!

  26. Conner says:

    I claim that global warming is caused by human activity and greenhouse gases. My evidence is cars that people drive cause pollution, they also burn garbage and factories burn coal which contributes to the greenhouse effect. Greenhouse gases traps UV energy from the sun which causes climate change.

    • Conner says:

      I claim that climate change is caused by greenhouse gases. My evidence is livestock like sheep and cow’s feces contain methane which is a type of greenhouse gas. Also burning things like oil and coal also contribute to climate change. Events in history like the industrial revolution and the increased use of cars has increased C02 emissions.

  27. Ally says:

    I claim that global warming is caused by greenhouse gases and humanity. The pollutants we release into the air on a daily basis and the waste that we burn that releases green house gases would continue to go up each year if people don’t control it and we’ll continue to see changes in our climate.

    • Ally says:

      I claim that global warming is caused by human activity and also farming. When we burn fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas to create electricity or to even power our cars we are releasing CO2 into our atmosphere. Livestock produce methane which is another type of greenhouse gas and when there is a lot of livestock on a large scale it contributes to the increase of greenhouse gases.

  28. Eben says:

    I claim that global warming is caused by greenhouse gasses. My evidence is that all over the world there are certain kinds of fuels that are burned, these fuels release carbon dioxide into the air. Once burned, the carbon dioxide goes into the atmosphere and it takes heat from sunlight and traps it into the earths atmosphere, causing the whole planet to heat up.

    • Eben says:

      I claim that global warming is caused by burning gasses. My evidence is that in cars and factories fumes are released into the atmosphere which cause global warming. Once the gasses are in the atmosphere, they trap heat from the sun and heat up the earth atmosphere.

  29. cyrus says:

    I claim that global warming is caused when there is so much greenhouse gas released into the atmosphere. Causes all of the heat to be trapped inside of the atmosphere like venus.

  30. Kiara says:

    I claim that global warming is caused by pollution or gases that are released into the atmosphere, in factories they release gas into the air and it can cause glaciers to melt which can raise the sea levels and change the range of weather. Pollution can also cause global warming, people use cars which let out gas or sometimes their oil leaks, oil can leak and run into the lakes and effect the lake.

  31. briar says:

    I claim that when humans burn oil from cars,factories,etc. the gases float into the atmosphere and damage the ozone layer which causes more heat from the sun to get through to earth. which causes the earth to heat up very slowly.

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