Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Mountains

Where do you find earthquakes and volcanoes? What makes them happen? How are mountains related to earthquakes and volcanoes?

16 Responses

  1. WILL CARVER :-) says:

    mountains are formed by plates colliding and sliding up each other, volcanoes are what happens when pressure shoots out the top and brings a bunch of lava with it. earth quakes are from vibrations from when two plates slide together.

  2. bodi says:

    I think that you find earthquakes wherever tectonic plates are moving. You would also find volcanos where tectonic plates are overlapping and where magma is having a huge buildup. Mountains are related to volcanos and earthquakes because thy are made using the same process as the other two are made.

  3. Karlye says:

    Although I am still a little confused on what we learned in this investigation, I do know much more than before we started. Mainly, Volcanos and Earthquakes occur on the west coasts of the continents. Earthquakes and volcanos occur due to the different plate boundaries. Volcanos mainly show up when two oceanic plates collide, when they collide they slowly build up higher, at the same time the collision causes subduction which gives the magma a path into the center of the volcano that was formed. Eathquakes usually occur when two continental plates collide and causes friction, this friction causes an eathquake, but the impact in general causes it too. Mountains are very similar to both of these processes because it also occurs when 2 plates collide, but this time the two plates collide and create a kind or arch, the main reason to why it doesnt cause a volcano is because there isnt subduction… and when theres subduction it causes magma to rise.

  4. Mikey says:

    You can fine earthquake and volcanoes on plate boundaries. What make volcanoes is when the to plate run in to each other which forms a mountain but with a tunes going though it so the magma can go though it. Earthquake happen when two plate slide agents each other.

  5. Mya L. says:

    You can find earthquakes and volcanoes most frequently around plate boundaries. Earthquakes happen when plates move which is why they are found near boundaries. Volcanoes form when plates separate and magma reaches the surface. Mountains form when plates move towards each other and fold onto one another.

  6. George says:

    Mountains are formed convergent plates they collide and they rise together until one falls over another. Volcanoes are near convergent plates also but these are called oceanic plates because there in the ocean. Earthquakes are made from friction from plates that are pulling these are called divergent plates they and get stuck sometimes and friction is made they try to pull harder causing vibrations making earthquakes.

  7. nataile says:

    Volcanoes are found near the divergent plate boundaries. A volcano forms by magma rising through a week part of the earth crust because of plates moving. they are both products of the plates moving.

  8. Lizzie says:

    I think you can find earthquakes where plates move away from each other. I think volcanoes are form when magma rises upward from the mantle along the gap between two plates. Mountains are related to volcanos and earthquakes because they are formed by plates moving towards each other.

  9. Anna says:

    I don’t know the exact places but I think you would most likely find earthquakes at convergent plate boundaries because when the plates collide they cause vibrations in the earth resulting in earthquakes. You would probably find volcanoes at divergent plate boundaries because when the plates pull a part it is giving a space for the heated magma to escape the ground. (I will finish tonight at home, didn’t have enough time to finish.)

  10. Kaydon says:

    volcanoes are found by divergent plate boundaries, transform boundaries, but mostly by convergent boundaries. Earthquakes happen when two plates slide against each other so that’s where they are found and volcanoes are formed when two plates collide just like mountains.

  11. David says:

    I think I saw that volcanoes are formed near plate boundaries, and I know that mountains are formed by two different plates converging. So I infer that when a mountain is formed, a Volcano can be formed by magma rising form the asthenosphere, and rises to the mountain, but I don’t know how they erupt, but I know when they erupt they cause powerful vibrations, which can cause earthquakes. I also know that earthquakes can be created when two plates slide past each other from friction, causing the earthquake vibration. I do not know how earthquakes and mountains relate.

  12. Jayson says:

    Earthquakes and volcanoes are found on plate boundaries. Collisions of plate, subduction of plates, slipping of plates, and weak spots in plates. they are all formed by plate tectonics.

  13. Vinny says:

    volcanos are formed when plates collide, they are found by convergent plate boundaries. Earthquakes are formed by two plates colliding. Mountains are formed the same way as Earthquakes but it pushes upward into a mountain shape.

  14. Wiwiwiwiwiwiwill says:

    You find earthquakes and volcanos mostly at plate boundaries, earthquakes happen when two plates slide against each other. Volcanos are formed when plates collide making a mountain then a part of the mantle melts and the magma goes through the top of the mountain

  15. Carlito says:

    I don’t know where you can find earthquakes and volcanoes. I’m thinking it has to be in Hawaii for the volcano. I don’t know about the earthquake tho. I know they happen underground. I think they happen by plates colliding. How I think mountains are related to volcanoes and earthquakes is by being created from earthquakes.

  16. Robert says:

    Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Mountains form by tectonic plates when they both hit each other.

    Harris , Amy. “How Do Earthquake Activities Influence the Formation of Mountains?” Sciencing, Amy Harris , 25 Apr. 2017,

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