I dig heavy rock!

Do you think it is possible to dig your way through the ground to the other side of the Earth? Explain why or why not?

67 Responses

  1. Lydia says:

    I do not think it is possible to dig your way to the other side of earth. I think it’s impossible because there is land that you have to dig through and that land has rocks and other things in it. There is also water that you would run into making it even harder.

    • Lydia says:

      I claim that it is impossible to dig to the other side of the earth. The evidence I have to support my claim is there are layers in the earth (Crust, Mantle, Outer core, Inner core) that contain molten lava and solid rock. As you go further down into the layers the temperature can get up to ten thousand degrees fahrenheit, making it unbearable for the human body. The thickness of the layers can get up to one thousand eight hundred miles, making it impossible to dig through.
      – Lydia

  2. Elijah says:

    Not at all, the Earth’s core is molten nickel and iron (Via https://www.space.com/17777-what-is-earth-made-of.html), and you would burn up pretty fast! Also the equipment needed would be very expensive.

    • Elijah says:

      I continue to support my previous point, it is not possible to dig directly through the earth. The outer core temperature can be as hot as 4300 degrees fahrenheit. And the mantle can be as hot as 4532 degrees fahrenheit. Making it not possible, even with powerful equipment.

  3. Amaryllis says:

    No, because there is bedrock and lava in the center of the earth. So you can’t dig your way to one side of the earth to the other.

    • Amaryllis says:

      You cannot dig from one end of the earth to the other. The Temperature in the outer core is around 3,500◦f – 4,300◦f and in the inner core is about 10,000◦f. The earth is about 4,000 miles thick and has many obstacles in the way so it would take a very long time to do it. To do this you would need special tools (not just a shovel) to dig through the earth.

  4. Lily says:

    I don’t think it’s possible since there is lava around the center of the earth, I mean if you could avoid it then maybe it is possible but otherwise no. I wouldn’t bother trying it since it wastes a lot of time and I don’t know if it is actually possible.

    • Lily says:

      It isn’t possible due to the following facts, it takes too much time and honestly it will just be a waste of time. Things that will stop you during digging is solid rocks, iron, and nickel. Even if you think about doing the following you’d have to get many tools which will cost a lot of money for a lot of tools. The more you go down the more the temperature goes up for example it can go up to 10,000f, plus there is a lot of lava around the middle or the outer/inner core.

  5. Raegan says:

    I do not think it is possible to dig your way to the other side of the earth because there would be obstacles such as water and rocks. There would also be layers to the earth like the mantle, the crust, and the core. Which would make it almost impossible.

    • Raegan says:

      I claim you cannot dig your way to the other side of the earth. One the the pieces of evidence I have is that the earth has layers called the crust,mantle,outer core, and inner core. The crust is made up of soil,rock, and water. The mantle is made of rock and is denser than the crust. The outer and inner core are made up of iron and nickel, but the outer core is liquid iron and nickel, while the inner core is solid. Another reason is that there is water, which is in the crust. The water would get in the way, and would prevent you from easily digging through the earth. The layers temperatures would prevent you completely from digging through the other side of the earth, the crust temps can vary. The mantle is usually 680-4532 degrees. The outer core is 3500-4000 degrees, and the inner core is as high as 10,000 degrees. It would be impossible with these temperatures.

  6. Allyssa says:

    I do not think it is possible to dig your way through the ground to the other side of the earth because underneath the crust of the earth is the mantle, and the mantle is made up of molten rock. Underneath that, are the inner core and outer core, which is the hottest layer of the earth. The core can be 7,000-9,000° F and us humans can only handle up to about 115° F.

    • Allyssa says:

      My claim is that it is impossible to dig through the Earth and make it through the other side. My supporting evidence is that it’s unlikely there would be enough oxygen to breathe and survive. The crust, the outermost layer of the Earth is composed of brittle rock and soil that would break very easily, but the mantle, the next layer, is composed of mainly dense rock that would probably be difficult to dig through. The third layer, the outer core is made up of molten iron and nickel that you could not get through and survive. The inner core is just dense solid iron and nickel and temperatures can be as high as 10,000°F.

  7. Robert says:

    No, the earth has core that is really hot to touch if you try to touch it you would get burn up. The only way you could to the other side of earth is if you fly in a airplane or if you’re in a cartoon.

    • Robert says:

      No one has dug that deep in the ground and if they did they would die by a heat stroke or get burned up. deep in the ground it’s like 4300 Fahrenheit. No one can go that deep. The mantle is 680 Fahrenheit, the inner core is 10,000 Fahrenheit

  8. Mya says:

    It depends if you’re going straight through the earth or just through the dirt and what you use but I’d say no because if you went straight through you would burn to death from the heat of the core and the world is a big place it would take years. Its a good question though but it would take a lot of years and planning.

    • Mya says:

      I claim that you cannot dig to the other side of the earth and my evidence is that there is an outer core made up of molten lava and can be 3500’f to 4532’f. Another piece of evidence is that there is a dense ball made up of solid iron crystals in the center of the earth called the inner core. My last piece of evidence is that it would take years to dig straight through the earth. Compare us and the earth. The earth is definitely bigger than humans.

  9. Frank says:

    No I don’t think it’s possible because, you would have reach the earth’s core and it would be too hot. Then you would reach lava then reach rocks that take to long to mine.

    • Frank says:

      It is not possible due to these facts, The crust is the first layer and when you dig further it gets hotter then if you get past that layer you get to the mantle you have to dig past 1,800 miles of thick rock and its 680F. The outer core you would just straight up burn to ash and its 1,400 miles of thick rock.

  10. Eris says:

    No, because the Earth is made up of different layers. In the core the heat would be unbearable to the human body.

  11. cyrus says:

    I think it would be impossible to dig through the earth Because there is a hot core not just that It would approximately according to this websitehttp://www.answers.com/Q/How_long_would_it_take_to_dig_to_the_center_of_the_earth it would take 40 years and thats 1 foot per minute for your whole life Thats why I think it would be impossible

    • cyrus says:

      I think it would be impossible because it would take 40 years and you would have to have a medal that doesn’t melt at 10000 degrees and it would probably cost a lot of money you would die in the first 5 to 10 years to heat and the machinery would be able to cut through tough materials such as rock

  12. Kashauna says:

    I do not think it would be possible because you would not be able to make it there without any complications. Things such as water, rocks, and hot\cold temperature would complicate the situation. Your o2 would be low, and it would take more than one day to arrive to your destination.

    • Kashauna says:

      I do not think you would be able to dig through the Earth to get to the other side because there are different layers that you would have to dig through, such as the mantle. The mantle is the layer below the crust, and it is consisted of solid rock. The rock would be difficult to get through, and it would be very time consuming. Another layer that would be hard to get through is the outer core. The outer core is very hot, it is molten lava. There would be no chance of even making it through. The temperatures reach up to 4,300°F. The last layer, is the Inner core. It reaches 10,000°f. It is made up of iron and nickel. This would be impossible, because the most heat a human can withstand is about 131°f. We would not survive the heat. It is not worth it.

  13. Vaeh says:

    No I do not believe that you can dig a hole through the earth because, you would require a specialized drill and dig through miles and miles of molten magma, you would experience harmful temperatures, there is heavy pressure more than we already experience on earth, and jumping through a deep dark hole does not sound easy, it sounds scary plus, why would you want to burn up and die? If it was possible I think experienced and clever people might try it.

    • Vaeh says:

      I believe it is not possible to dig to the other side of the world, and I have pieces of evidence for this. For one, you need heavy and expensive drilling equipment and there is so much heat and pressure you wouldn’t make it very far, plus there is no oxygen down there. First you would run into the crust, the soil is very brittle so that would be easy to dig through but the deeper you go pressure and temperature rises. Then there is the mantle and its dense rock. The deeper you go temperatures are from 680 degrees and 4532 degrees and its about 1800 miles down I doubt you’d make it anywhere from there.

  14. maddox says:

    I don’t think it would work because there is lava in the earth. And there is water in the earth as well.

    • maddox says:

      I claim that there is no possible way to dig through the earth. The evidence i have to support my claim is there is water underground which can make it difficult. And there is higher temperatures the warmest it can get is 10,000 you would be burned to a crisp way before that. There would be different layers such as iron, nickel, stone and rock.

  15. Lexi says:

    There are many layers to the earth which would be challenging enough to get through plus lava that would probably burn you. I don’t believe it’s possible due to the amount of force you would have to have in order to break through the hardest layers of the earth.

    • Lexi says:

      You cannot dig your way through the ground to the other side of the earth and here is why:
      There are four layers to the earth. The crust, mantle, outer core and inner core. The crust consists of Ocean, rock, dirt, etc. as it varies making it fairly easy to dig through. However, the mantle is made out of thick solid rock, the Inner core being liquid is made out of iron and nickel in liquid form, and the inner core is made out of the solid form of iron and nickel. The outer core is the only layer made out of liquid which would make it difficult to dig through it as you would just sink and possibly get stuck as it is 1400 miles thick. The mantle being made out of thick solid rock would be a challenge for a drill to drill straight through because the mantel is 1800 miles thick it would take a very strong and sturdy drill. The inner core isn’t as thick as the other layers since it is in the middle of every other layer but the thickness isn’t the biggest concern as if you were able to drill through all of these layers, the heat varies from 680 degrees fahrenheit to 10,000 degrees fahrenheit and would burn any living thing alive. Aside from the heat the pressure would close in on you making it completely impossible for you to breathe or move. And those are the reasons why you would not and will not be able to dig your way through the ground to the other side of the earth.


  16. susan says:

    I think it would be possible if you had the right technology but because we currently don’t have the know-how on how to get through the Earth’s crust, mantle, outer core, and inner core and still manage to survive that long. But of course I’m not thinking about technology being developed an my knowledge might be outdated, so feel free to correct me.

    • susan says:

      You cannot dig through the center of the earth because the mantle is composed of moving rock and that could damage the drill/machine you are using, the outer core is composed of liquid iron and nickel, which could block sight because the machine would have to be cooled. And the center of the earth is at least 10,000 degrees F and that would most likely damage any part of the machine that isn’t cooled and/or melt the machine completely.

  17. Aurora says:

    No it is impossible to dig your way through the earth because there is bedrock and other things that will be in the way. In order to go the other side of the earth you need to fly in a plane, so it is impossible to dig your way through the earth.

    • Aurora says:

      I claim that it is impossible to dig your way through the Earth the evidence i have support it is there are layers of the earth, the crust is 2 to 35 miles thick and is made up of rock and soil, the mantle is 1,800 miles thick and is made up solid rock and the temperature is 680 fahrenheit and 4,532 fahrenheit. The outer core is 1,400 miles thick and is made up of of iron and nickel liquid form with and the temperature is 3,500 to 4,300 fahrenheit. The inner core is 780 miles thick and is made up of iron and nickel and the temperature is 10,000 fahrenheit.

  18. Shae says:

    I do not believe that it is possible to dig through the entirety of the Earth. The core of the earth is over 6000 degrees Celsius, while tungsten, the metal with the highest melting point and tensile strength, at 3422 degrees Celsius, would melt immediately, not to mention the fact that humans can only inhabit areas with temperatures less than 170 degrees Fahrenheit (76.6 degrees Celsius). The heat alone makes it impossible.

  19. Cedric says:

    It is not possible, let’s just say we were able to dig past all the dirt. We would then be met with the crust of the earth the temperature would already be close to 1,000 degree’s just on the surface which would cause the water molecules in under you’re skin to boil which would almost kill you being 75% water. Again let’s say we have a special suit that allowed you to survive this temperature after reaching the inner crust you would have already hit 2,000 degrees, digging further we would reach the upper mantle which would be over 3,000 degrees! This would cause all organs to dry instantly as your body boils and your skin expands due to the steam being produce, thankfully we are still wearing our suit. Once getting pass the upper mantel we reach the mantle it’s self which would instantly boil everything in your body at 4,000 degrees! if some how you still haven’t died we reach the outer core which reaches almost 5,000-6,000 degrees and we have plunged into molten nickel and no longer have any solid surfaces, this is where you’re journey would end the suit would incinerate almost instantly and your insides will boil and you would be submerged. Getting to the inner core is deadline impossible but if you need to know, it reaches a temperature of 7,000-8,000 degrees which is instant death if you weren’t already killed from the previous layers, so the conclusion is no you can not dig straight through the earth or to the other side. -cedric

  20. Nariah says:

    I don’t think you can dig through the earth. Earth is like a hard rock it can barely be damaged. Also the earth has lava so it would be pretty hard.

    • Nariah says:

      I claim that we can not dig through the earth. The evidence I have used to support this claim that the temperature gets to hot in the mantle up to 680-4532f that hot. Also the mantle is 1800miles deep but the mantle is also made of solid rock

  21. daniel says:

    No because if you were to try to dig to the other side of the earth the heat would kill you long before you got to the other side. If you were to withstand the heat somehow you would hit the center of the earth before getting to the other side.

    • daniel says:

      I claim that you can not dig through the Earth the temperature of the mantle 680 f will kill you. All of the melted nickel and iron will wreck your drill. And the pressure going 1800 miles done would crush you.

  22. Samara says:

    I think it is not possible to tunnel to the other side of the Earth. One reason I believe this is, because the inside of the earth is molten metel that is almost as hot as the surface of the sun according to http://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/earth/surface-of-the-earth/earths-interior/. Also if you tunneled just under the Earth’s surface you would run into water, lots of water. Those are just a few reasons it is not possible to tunnel to the other side of the world.

    • Samara says:

      I claim that presently it is impossible to dig through the earth. The evidence I have to support my claim is that you would have to tunnel through 6764 miles. In those 6764 miles you would have to go through 2 – 35 miles of the Crust. Next, you would go through the Mantle or about 1800 miles of solid rock at 680°- 4532°F. Then, in the Outer Core you will encounter liquid iron and nickel which is about 3500°- 4300°F for about 1400 miles. Finally you will reach the center of the earth or the Inner Core. Once you are there you will encounter solid iron and nickel of about 10,000°F. Once you have reached the end of the Inner Core prepare to go back up through the Outer Core, Mantle, and the Crust. In conclusion, at the present time we do not have the correct technology to embark on such an adventure.

  23. Kiara says:

    No I don’t think it’s possible to dig your way through the Earth because it would take too long to reach the other side of the Earth. When you reach the core it would be too hot for the human body to resist. Also you would have to mine through the rocks along with magma.

    • Kiara says:

      No I don’t think it’s possible to dig your way through the Earth because the crust is 2 to 35 miles thick. The mantle is composed of solid rock which is 1800 miles thick. The outer core is composed of liquid iron and nickel which the temperatures can reach around 3500 to 4300 F. The inner core is composed of iron and nickel and temperatures can reach up to 10000 F and is 780 miles thick.

  24. Aji moto says:

    No, I don’t think you could because the middle is molten metal, and you probably be a burnt chicken nugget If you ever come out. You can’t right now, at least with todays tech but I wouldn’t see a reason to ever do that, also it probably would be very costly.

    • Aji moto says:

      No, u can’t do that its to hot, just the mantle is up to 4532 °f, If the skin is exposed to 150 °f it will leave 3rd degree burns. You need to dig thousands of miles down. The middle of the earth is made of iron, and nickel there molten lava too, so it would be very hard to do.

      -Beauty baby, 2017

  25. Eben says:

    NO… I think it is impossible to dig straight through the planet because if you even manage to survive the ultimate heat, or the confined spaces, or lack of oxygen, if you made it to the center everywhere you would look would be up. Therefor making it impossible.

    • Eben says:

      My evidence is that after the crust, there would be the mantle, outer core, and the inner core, all of these layers are thousands of miles worth of rock, soil, molten iron and nickel. If we even tried, we would burn up before we even made it tp the outer-core cause of 680f-4532f in temperature

  26. Cade Dean Hotzler says:

    In my opinion

    If you dig down 5 feet down you will hit water. So you would have to pump water out then after that you would have to keep pumping water out and you would keep digging then you would hit magma and then it would harden because of the water then you would hit a rock. Do you agree?

    ~Cade H.

    • Cade Dean Hotzler says:

      I claim the Earth cannot be drilled through. The evidence i have is: Just the crust is 2 to 35 Miles thick. The Mantel is made of solid rock the heat can be anywhere from 608℉ to 4532℉. Not to mention the outer core, which is made of magma and lava and it can be up to 4,300℉ and is 1400 miles thick. And the very inner layer of the planet is made of iron and nicol and is 10,000℉. So i think it is impossible.

      ~Cade H.

  27. glenn says:

    Do you think you can dig through the ground to the over side of the earth?
    No, Because your skin would not be able to withstand the heat before you hit the center of the earth.
    Also you even did you die at the center anyways.

    • glenn says:

      I claim you can’t dig to the other side of the earth because you would die before you get to there. Here’s why. It’s gets hotter the further you go down into the earth crust. The mantle is about 680-4300 degrees. The core is about 3500-4300 degrees.

  28. briar says:

    No because it would take too long and cost too much money. And if they did make it what if there was water that would melt the earths core and we would all die and how would we get past the earths core.

  29. ~Josh says:

    I think it is impossible to dig straight through the earth. For one, when you get lower into the earth, the air pressure at -50000m sea level, the air pressure is 634 kPa. That means that there is 626% of the oxygen available at sea level. If you weren’t in a machine, you would get crushed. If you were in a machine the exhaust would ignite the oxygen and you and the machine would surely be blown to bits.
    If by chance you happen to survive the air pressure, when you reach the core, the heat (10,800of) would be released in the form of a shock wave which would vaporize you and the machine. In the end the world would experience a heat would be to much for any life form and you would fail to dig through the earth. That’s why I say you can’t dig through the earth.

  30. grace says:

    I think that it is not possible to dig through the earth to the other side because the earth is just like a big rock. It would take a long time to dig all the way through. It is almost impossible because in the center of the earth there is something called the core. In the core it is very hot and filled with lava.When does it start to feel hot if you were able to dig down?

  31. ReAnn says:

    I don’t think that you can dig through the ground to the other side of the earth. There is a core at the center of the earth. It looks like the sun in the middle of the earth. It is too hot, the person would be risking their life going to the other side this way, they can just drive or ride a plane to the other place. If you decide to go dig under the earth, you would probably won’t make it out alive. Or you might have a chance to make it though if you had a some kind of suit that can resist the heat from the core. I’d like to find out what the names of the other layers of the earth are.

    • ReAnn says:

      There is 10000 F in the middle, and you don’t have anything to protect you from the that 10000 F heat from the middle of the earth and stuff your gonna use may break or the solid may be hard because it’s made of rocks and solid rock.

  32. Mya says:

    No, I don’t think you can dig through the earth to the other side. it is impossible to dig through the center of the earth because at some point you would theoretically hit the earth’s outer core which is comprised of nickel and iron and is about 1400 miles thick. We probably won’t have the technology to do so for quite some time But you would have been incinerated long before you reach the outer core but it is an intriguing question. I’d like to know more about the different types of dirt.

    • conner says:

      I claim you can’t dig through the center of the earth. My evidence is that while you can dig a little into the crust the deeper you go the more difficult it would become. It would get hotter until you die from the heat. The mantle produces temperatures of up to 4532 to 10000 F.

  33. chello says:

    No, you can’t dig through the earth to the other side because if you dig down deeper, you will hit the mantle. If you hit the mantle, it might burn you to death. It will be hard to dig because of the inner core. Does technology work that far underground?

    • chello says:

      the first layer of the earth is dig able because it is composed of rocks and soil but after that the tempter gets to intense and begins to rise up to 680F and over by the time you get to the mantle it will be almost impossible to withstand even with help including the outer core which is made up of liquid iron and nickel and would require many years of digging .

  34. ally says:

    No, I do not think that you can dig your way through the ground to the other side of the earth because the earth contains different layers such as the crust although it may not be as strong and dense as the other or as hot as the others it still is a good amount thick (2-35 miles thick) . Another reason why you cannot dig your way through the earth is because the next layer is called the Mantle, while the mantle is very hot for us humans like 680 to 4532 degrees hot! it is very thick and very dense so the likely hood of getting through that is not very high. Finally the outer core is composed of molten lava which obviously we couldn’t withstand.

  35. Kyleisha says:

    I don’t think you can dig through the Earth and get to the other side, because it would take a long amount of time and it really wouldn’t make sense in the first place to do it. You would just waste time and money on clothing, food, and tools you need in order to try to get to the other side of the Earth.

    • Kyleisha says:

      No, I don’t think it is possible to dig through the Earth and get to the other side. One reason, is the temperature is very high (680 F-10,000 F) so you wouldn’t last that long. Second reason, is going through rock, nickel, and iron would take a long amount of time. Another reason, is the depth of the crust, mantle, inner and outer core, again would take a long amount of time.

  36. grace says:

    I think it is theoretically impossible to dig to the other side of the earth because of the core. The core can get up to 5,000 degrees most of the time. Even though the earth is rock and mostly soil that is brittle it would still be impossible.

  37. gaven says:

    I claim that you can not dig to the other side of the earth because.
    The inner core of the earth is really hot and the temperature of the inner core is 10,000 F. But the mantle part of the earth is solid rock and is also 1,800 miles deep. Last we have the outer core part of the earth the outer core is also very hot like the inner core because the temperature in the outer core can be from 3,500 F to 4,200 F.

  38. Robert says:

    I claim that you can’t dig to the center of the earth. The mantle is 4532 F and the outer core is from 3500 to 4300 F. The Mantle is 1800 miles of solid rock. The temperature increases the further you go down into the earth.

  39. Briar says:

    No it would not be possible to dig through the earth because its all made up of rock and magma. We would not be able to breath that far down or move that far probably like and inch a day. The core is way to hot we would burn up. In conclusion we would not and probably never be able to dig through the earth.

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