Comparing Weather Reports

What information does a weather report contain? What do you need to know to understand what a weather report is saying?

60 Responses

  1. Amaryllis says:

    A weather report shows the change in the temperature and how sunny, windy, rainy, ect, it is that day. You need to be able to understand what Fahrenheit is, what the colors mean on a weather radar, and know what the symbols mean.

    • Amaryllis says:

      I claim you have to be able to understand what temperature, wind speed and direction, cloud cover, precipitation, humidity, pressure, ect, means and how they are measured. My evidence is that if you don’t know what one of those mean then you could be unprepared for the weather ahead and not be to the point where you won’t be cold or to hot.

  2. Mya says:

    A weather report contains the weather for today and a estimated guess for the next couple of days. It’s says the temperature, windshield and other stuff like the humidity and if there is going to be a storm.

    • Mya says:

      I claim that a weather report is a report that gives you the weather for that current day, A weather report usually contains the wind speed, temperature, humidity, cloud cover, and the highs and lows of that day. What you need to understand about what a report is saying that it’s only for that current day and not always accurate and the temperature could mean many different things in other regions like if it was thirty degrees here it would be warm but in places like florida it could be considered a little cold from their usual temperature. My evidence is from learning from the classroom textbook and my teacher.

  3. susan says:

    a weather report has information about what weather is happening at the moment in a certain area and what the prediction is for the rest of the day and the next few days. to understand a weather report you need to know the types of weather and temperature unit in your area, and you only need to know these simple things because weather reports are usually made simple for the common person.

    • susan says:

      I claim that a weather report is a report on what the weather is at the current time (like if it’s raining, snowing, etc.) and you need a basic understanding of the weather types in your area and an understanding of temperatures. my evidence is the way weather reports are formed and the most common elements between them, as well as predictions of weather being called forecasts and not reports

  4. Allyssa says:

    A weather report typically contains the location/town that it has the information about, the temperature in either celsius or fahrenheit, the timezone, and what the atmosphere is like.

  5. Lily says:

    Well, first of all weather reports contain the time, temperature, how clear or non-clear the sky is, the place, and what it will possibly be like in the afternoon. You need to understand the difference between negative and positive, along with degrees.

    • Lily says:

      I claim that in weather reports there are, date and time of report, temperature, wind speed, humidity, cloud cover, direction, precipitation, relative humidity, and atmosphere pressure. You need to understand how to tell what the difference between Fahrenheit and Celsius is when measuring temperatures. Along with understanding for sure which place the report is talking about so you don’t dress incorrectly or plan something out for that day not realizing that the weather report was wrong due to the place it was on.

  6. Kyleisha says:

    A weather report contains the conditions around that area. Such as how much rain, snow, or wind there is going to be in that day. You need to know if you live in an area where they measure temperature in fahrenheit or celsius, and how to tell temp on a thermometer.

    • Kyleisha says:

      I claim that weather reports are about what it is like in a certain area at that time. Weather reports contain subjects like, temperature, precipitation, cloud cover, wind speed and more. You would need to understand what them words mean and what they cause to do to that area or even how much of it. Also you would need a pretty good understanding about which degrees you go off of such as celsius, or fahrenheit.

  7. Allyssa says:

    A weather report typically contains the location/town that it has the information about, the temperature in either celsius or fahrenheit, the time zone, and what the atmosphere is like. You need to know which measurement is being used to know how hot or cold it is because the weather could be seventy degrees fahrenheit, but if it were seventy degrees celsius it would be super hot! You also need to know what the colors represent on a weather map, though there’s usually a key, and there may be symbols so you should find out what those represent too.

    • Allyssa says:

      I claim a weather report contains various sets of information such as the temperature, humidity, cloud cover, wind speed, wind chill, wind direction, the kind of precipitation if there is any at all, and sometimes the pressure for a certain moment in time. You need to know what the units of measurement mean such as why the pressure in a weather report is measured in inches and what the pressure is, to begin with. You have to know what scale the temperature is being measured in (Fahrenheit or Celsius) because if you didn’t understand the difference or didn’t know what they meant. You have to know where to find the information in a weather report especially if you’re looking at it to find one piece of information, an example would be the temperature because you might be wondering what to wear that day. My evidence is that a weather report would be very confusing if you did not know what the measurements meant and where to find the information within a weather report.

  8. cyrus says:

    i claim that the weather reports have the temperature, time, and and the future times on when its going to rain or snow or fog and how the day will be sunny or gray

  9. Josh G says:

    When you listen to a weather report, you are listening to what meteorologists have concluded as what is likely to happen with the weather with in the next however long. Meteorologists make come to conclusions using past weather scenarios, precipitation %, weather that is moving toward them, and wind level. To understand these weather reports, you will need to know what some of the terms they use mean. For example, a cumulonimbus cloud is a cloud with a flat base at a fairly low altitude and often a flat top. They also are commonly found in thunderstorms.

  10. Raegan says:

    A weather report contains information such as the degrees (Fahrenheit & Celsius), future weather changes like thunderstorms and tornados. It also tells us possibilities of future weather changes and sometimes even tells us where a storm or snow/rain might be happening. To understand a weather report, you will not need to know much because many reports are simplified so the public can understand without having to know a substantial amount of information on weather. That being said, you probably will need to know how to read, so you can actually read the report.

    • Raegan says:

      I claim that a weather report contains information such as temperature (Fahrenheit and Celsius), wind speed, wind direction, precipitation (amounts and type, like snow, rain, etc), and events that arehappening like thunderstorms, tornadoes. My evidence is the average weather report and what basic information it contains. To understand a basic weather report, you will need to know how to understand temperature, and have a basic reading skill to read the report. My evidence is that the basic weather report is already simplified for the average citizen to understand, so it wouldn’t be hard to read them with basic reading skills.

  11. Eben says:

    The weather report contains the temperature, wind mph, wind chill, forecast, depth of rain or snow, and the time. You need to know the different kinds of clouds in order to understand the weather. You have to pay attention to the weather around your area.

    • Eben says:

      I claim that weather reports contain the temperature, amount of precipitation, cloud cast, wind speed, wind chill, and the pressure. What you need to know is how each part of the report is measured such as wind speed is measured by mph and rather to measure temperature by Fahrenheit or Celsius. My evidence is the Local newspaper and the internet to show the weather in the area.

  12. Samara says:

    I claim a weather report contains the speed of wind, the air temperature, visibility, the amount of cloud cover, and the likelihood of precipitation. There are multiple things that you need to know to understand a weather report. You need to know that air temperature is the average speed of the molecules in the air. Also, you need to know that when humid air rises that clouds are formed. Finally, that when the clouds collect to much water it rains.

    • Samara says:

      I claim that a weather report contains temperature, cloud cover, humidity, wind speed, pressure, wind direction, humidity, pressure, visibility, precipitation, and wind chill. There are many things that a person needs to know to understand a weather report. One thing that would be useful to know when reading a weather report is what the °F or °C means. Another thing that would be useful to understand is what the little pictures with the sun are. Also, a person would need to understand what temperature is, for example is 5°F hot or cold. Finally, a person would have to understand the terms, like visibility.

  13. Ally says:

    A weather report contains the location of an area, the temperature in either celsius or Fahrenheit, what the sky looks like and the humidity and sometimes the timezone. To understand what a weather report is saying you need to know what the colors represent although there is sometimes a key.

    • Ally says:

      I claim that a weather report is a report of the temperature at that present time. A weather report includes the average temperature, the amount of precipitation and it may give you the long term average of precipitation. If you are just looking for the temperature and not the more complicated things you will need to know the difference between celsius and fahrenheit. But if you want to know more about the weather you will need to learn the different terms.

  14. Aji says:

    From what I know a weather report is todays temperature, humidity and other information about weather. In a weather report they also have a forecast for later a later days weather and info, they predict, so they aren’t fully accurate. For weather stations like on television they probably make it simple, so a viewer of the can understand. In the U.S they use fahrenheit to tell the temperature.

    • Aji says:

      I claim that weather reports can includes temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, wind chill, precipitation, and pressure. they can also tell you a prediction, or a forecast of the future weather based on past weather patterns. you do need to know a few things to fully understand a detailed weather report. for example Fahrenheit and celsius are crucial for understanding weather. they are used based on your location fahrenheit is used in the u.s. If you want to understand detailed weather reports you might need to know atmospheric pressure and humidity.

  15. Shae says:

    A weather report contains information on the predicted weather patterns. It tells what weather should be expected, and where it will be. You need to know how to read maps fairly well, and understand symbols used in it.

    • Shae says:

      I claim that a weather report does do the above, and more. It also displays what quantities of it should be expected, along withe the location. To understand a weather report, you should understand the models used, like the satellite images and next-day projections. You should also understand the vocabulary, also, so as to know what is meant.

  16. Robert says:

    Weather reports contain what storm or snow is heading towards a place if it’s dangerous or if it will affect schools or roads. Weather reports tell us about storms that are bad that will affect houses or might hurt some people.

    • Robert says:

      Weather reports shows us what’s happening now and show us the temperature and cloud cover. The weather report shows us if school is delayed or canceled depending on the temp or roads. It sometime shows us the wind speed depending what your using to look at the weather.

  17. Maddox says:

    I think a weather report contains information on what the weather is supposed to be like. The next time the want to know what the weather is supposed to be like. For an example the humidity or the chance of snow or rain a week from now. You also have to know what the weather report is saying. Example the symbol for sun or rain.

    • Maddox says:

      I claim that weather reports contain information on what the weather is like right now. What do you need to know about a weather report is how to tell the difference between the high temperature and the lowest temperature of that day.

  18. Nariah says:

    I claim that the information that a weather report contains how hot or cold the week might be or if its going to rain or snow. What you need to understand about a weather report you need to know the symbols on the maps you might need to know how to tell temperature.

    • Nariah says:

      I claim that a weather report contains information about the present and the highs and lows in the morning and afternoon. Weather reports also contain the temperature, cloud cover, wind speed, and the date and time of the report. What we need to know what the weather report is saying would be the symbols and the map of the report also what the reporter is saying. My evidence is what I learned in this investigation and what we used like the internet, local paper, national paper, the weather app, and dark sky.

  19. Frank says:

    A weather report is when on tv after all the news the weather comes on and it might be sunny with a chance of rain or cloudy with snow it’s telling you what the next days weather has in store for you. You have to understand what temperature your in if you are in the u.s you might be F or canada you are C.

    • Frank says:

      A weather report is what the weather is now and to understand it you need to know what are the meters like Thermometer, Barometer, and Hygrometer.You also need to know what they’re talking about like wind speed, wind direction, and humidity.The Weather Forecast is what is happening later in the days and report is what is happening now.

  20. briar says:

    I claim that weather reports contain the following information if its cloudy,rainy,sunny,any natural disasters and when they are going to happen. they also contain what amount of something we are going to have of snow or rain and if it is going to be windy or not. they also time when these events are going to happen and how badly it is or is not going to be.

    • briar says:

      I claim that weather reports are whats happening right now they include more information because it is currently happening in the world,town, or country.
      Weather reports show the time,date,temp,wind speed, what the clouds are like,wind direction,etc. While a forecast shows what will happen in the up coming days and what time these are going to happen. Forecasts show little information because its a prediction of whats going to happen.

  21. daniel says:

    When your watching the news and it is telling you about weather it is mostly telling you about what the weather is going to be like for the next couple of days and if it is going to be bad or good. What you need to know to know this is what the terms mean.

  22. Kashauna says:

    A weather report is something that tells us what the weather is on that day, or the week. For example: Weather reports could tell us about if the weather is rainy, warm, dry, cold, warm, or humid. You would need to know how hot/cold it is by the temperature, and the chance of rain by the percentage. For the snowier days, you would need to know inches to be able to tell how much snow there will be on the ground. There may also be weather reports on rare occasions, such as tornadoes and hail storms. In conclusion, a weather report can be told on TV, radios, and online. They are a very common occurrence.

  23. Vaeh says:

    A weather report provides information about upcoming or current weather in an area, it predicts weather patterns, shows the current or given temperature in the current day or in the next couple of days. The weather report shows where the weather is expected to hit that area, and also it predicts any kinds of precipitation of natural disasters, how many feet of snow and such in a given area ,wind chill advisory, humidity, it predicts percentage of rain, what the temp. is and what it feels like, weather reports can predict the sunrise and sunset, and how the wind is measured km/mph etc. To understand what a weather report is “saying” you need to know how to measure temperature whether its in Celsius or Fahrenheit you also need to understand what wind chill is, and your area in which you live for perhaps when a storm hits. Also the colors on a map that a newscaster is reporting, it predicts how badly weather can be with colors. Weather reports also predict which days the weather is bad, or if it gets worse at night, the measure of mph, etc.

  24. Aurora says:

    Weather reports have information to see what the weather will be like for today and later in the week for that area and they aren’t fully accurate. They also tell what the weather is like in certain places like temperature, sometime they have time if they are going to have a bad weather. They use color to show what the area is going to be like.

    • Aurora says:

      I claim that you have to understand what the tools are and what they measure, you also have to know what wind speed is and wind direction, temperature, humidity, and pressure means and how they are measured. My evidence is if you don’t know what any of them then you will be unprepared for the weather.

  25. grace says:

    I claim that a weather reports contains how much rain there was in the last month or weeks there was or how much rain there is going to be in the next couple of days. A weather report could also contain how much wind there is in a certain area then there would be in a different area. To understand a weather report wou would need to know about the different types of measurement used. For example, in the book the rain was measured by thermometers or by kilometers.

    • grace says:

      I claim that a weather report contains the temperature, cloud cover, wind gust and wind speed and sometimes but not always the percent of humidity and also the air pressure. People measure weather in many different ways, for instance, we measure pressure with a tool called a barometer and for measuring wind direction you would use a wind vane of a wind sock. You also need to know how to understand a weather because it would be hard to understand what the weather report would mean by humidity percent or the amount of precipitation. If you are planning on going on a trip or going to a special event it might be too cold for too warm to go to the event or for the event to even happen.

  26. Conner says:

    A weather report tells you things like how windy it is, if it’s going to rain or if it’s snowing. They can also try to predict the weather for the next week or so. What you need to know in order to understand a weather report is that wind is created by air pressure the higher the air pressure the stronger the wind. Rain is formed when little bits of cloud become to heavy for the cloud to support so they fall and become liquid which we call rain. Snow is the same process as rain except the rain freezes while in the air. They might also discuss temperature, humidity, cloud cover or road conditions

  27. John says:

    It contains wind, rain, snow, sleet, precipitation, sun, floods, tornado, hurricanes, and also the temperature. Weather is good to predict the future. Also to warn you before you do anything outside.

  28. glenn says:

    Weather reports help you find out how cold it can get outside or if it’s going to rain, snow or have bad but rare occasions.They can make predictions on what could happen later on in the day and sometimes the prediction can be wrong, depends on what they look at. If you go on a camping trip you look at the weather for if it’s going to rain and what the wind chill and wind speed is going to be for camping. You would need to know about fahrenheit.

  29. ReAnn says:

    Weather reports are usually talking about what’s going to happen tomorrow or today like is it going to be rainy, be windy, thunderstorms or just going to say it’s going to be nice and sunny out. The weather reporters show everyone or tell everyone about the weather. There are sometimes warnings for the weather reports saying there is going to be a bad thunderstorm or tornados. A bad weather could happen any minute or any day or they’ll tell you what’s going to happen in a week. Temperature can be measured in Fahrenheit or celsius. Some people use Fahrenheit and other people use celsius. Fahrenheit is what U.S. uses and other countries uses celsius.

  30. Cade says:

    A weather report contains information about the weather such as the temperature, humidity, pressure, and if there are any weather events that are happening either now or in the future. You will need to know what all of these terms mean and how they affect your life. If the humidity level is too high then how will it affect your life and what it will affect. The weather is also a way to get the weather history. For example: have you ever heard “today we broke a state record” that means that they have got a lot for something ether snow or rain or heat.

  31. Gaven C says:

    A weather report contains information about floods, wind direction, when it will be sunny and cloudy, when it will rain. Temperature is a key factor in weather. The weather forecast help you prepare for the day.

  32. Lydia says:

    Weather reports contain information like the temperature and the highs and lows for the day. They also have things like wind speed and direction, cloud cover, precipitation and humidity. You need to know what different colors represent and other symbols used to show what the weather will be like.

  33. Lexi says:

    I claim that a weather report may include the temperature, pressure, wind speed, wind chill, and cloud cover. I believe in order to understand a weather report you have to know what the measurement is and what it means. For example, if you understood the temperature you would dress accordingly to fit the weather. If it was below zero outside you wouldn’t be wearing shorts.

  34. Cedric says:

    Most weather reports contain the wind speed, humidity, pressure, highest and lowest temperature, average temperature, cloud cover, and the date of time of that day and future days. Certain weather reports may not contain all this data or may contain more, to understand what a weather report is saying you may need to have basic knowledge of certain subjects and the format the report uses. Some reports have simple layout making it easy to prepare for future weather while some may be more advanced and make it complicated for everyday people, understanding weather reports is all up to the post to do. If the post is too complicated the reader may be to confused, and if it is simple some information may be left out that is important. For example if you don’t understand some of the meanings of terms then you risk not being prepared, or if the report doesn’t include the right information or is not correct you may also be unprepared. Some weather reports solve this problem by using visual graphs, maps, or images showing the affected area, and still provide the necessary information. Apps can also tell the weather, and virtual assistants can verbally tell you the weather and how to prepare for it. As technology grows bigger and better our knowledge and prediction of precipitation and weather will become more accurate, and easier to understand how to prepare for it.

  35. Elijah says:

    A weather report is a short term report on normally wind speed, temperature, and cloud coverage. A more detailed weather report could also include atmospheric pressure. Understanding windchill, symbols of a sun and cloud, and english, can also help you when determining an event or something you are planning to do outside. For example, riding a bike in cyclist cloths with a high wind chill is probably not the best of ideas. Understanding if it’s going to be cloudy when deciding if you want to lay on a beach for a tan is also helpful. And I wasn’t joking about the english thing, if english is your second language, it may be harder to understand some reports. It’s also good to know what is warm relative to your current location on our planet, or the ozone levels in our slowly deteriorating atmosphere when tanning.

  36. cyrus says:

    I claim that weather reports contain things such as high and lows for the day and current temp future temps. for the day and wind speeds and cloud cover and if there will be precipitation or not. And you would have to know the stuff reletive to that area. Vocab words to understand what the weather reports mean.

  37. chello says:

    I claim that an good weather report needs to contain the temperature, wind speed, precipitation, direction, humidity, pressure and atmosphere. But really all you need to have to understand what the report is saying is temperature, wind speed, humidity, precipitation to properly understand the days weather.

  38. Kiara says:

    I claim that a weather report contains the temperature, wind speed, cloud cover, and the date and time of the weather report. You need to know what the arrows mean if your on the internet or watching the news on television and you would also need to know what the reporter is saying.

  39. glenn says:

    I claim that not all weather apps and news papers always show the most accurate weather forecast. Some are more accurate than others and some are less accurate. I found out the internet is the most accurate weather forecast because it’s got a website that’s based around weather and only weather. If you have a anemometer can let you see what the wind speed looks like. A barometer shows the air pressure so you can see what your air pressure is like.

  40. cyrus says:

    I claim that the weather maps can give you different information than a weather report in the following ways. They can show you where a air mass is or where a future air mass might be and if a area has high or low pressure. That can lead to where there might be rain or snow on other sides of the map and i think that weather reports cant do the same.

  41. grace says:

    I claim that weather is caused by warm fronts and cold fronts colliding together but that’s mostly for weather like crazy storms. Different areas on a map could have areas that are called Maritime polar and continental polar. Maritime polar is mostly wet and cold and then for continental polar is dry and cold. If you are looking at a weather map it would help a lot if you know how to read a weather map because there is many things that could give you a lot of information. what meteorologists use to measure temperature and what a cold front and also what a warm front is.

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