The Planetary Council

Solar System

How are the planets in our Solar System the same and how are they different?

28 Responses

  1. susan says:

    There are two types of planets in our solar system, gas and rock. Gas planets are mostly made up of different types of gasses and have a solid core, a gas planet in our solar system is jupiter. Rock planets are planets that are solid from the outside and to the core, an example of a rock planet is earth. The one thing that combines these planets into one category is that they all revolve around our sun.

  2. Lydia says:

    I think the planets in our solar system are similar because they are all orbiting around each other and use gravity to keep their orbits and keep themselves in the air. They also have similar shapes, they are all mostly round. I claim they are different because they all have different sizes, colors, and textures. They also have different temperatures and distances to the sun.

  3. Mya says:

    Some similarities between the planets are that they revolve around the same star, they are all planets and they all have an age. Some differences between the planets are that some have moons and others don’t, they all go around the sun in a different pace and they are made of different materials.

  4. Amaryllis says:

    The planets in our solar system are all different but they do have some similarities. They all have a gravitational pull but some may be weaker than others, they all orbit around the sun but all at different lengths which affects the temperature of each planet, if the planet is close to the sun it will be hot but the farther away from the sun the planet is the colder it is.

  5. Lexi says:

    The planets in our Solar System are different and alike in many ways. One of the most notable differences are their sizes and appearances as they range from all different sizes and appearances. Another difference is how far away they may be from the sun, the center of our solar system. This causes them to possibly get smaller amounts of light/energy. One thing that makes them different from the earth is that we know the earth can host life while it is likely that other planets cannot. However, we may not know if that’s true due to the fact that we cannot go and visit all other planets searching for a sign of life. I can only think of one similarity and that’s that they orbit around the sun. Although i’m sure there are far more similarities this is what I know.

  6. Allyssa says:

    The planets in our solar system are related because they all orbit the sun, they all have mass, they’re all spherical, and they all rotate on their own axes. They’re different in that some are gas giants and some are not, Saturn has rings but the other ones don’t, they’re all different sizes, based on how far they are from the sun and how quickly they move a year is a different time period on each planet, and some have moons and some don’t. There are different amounts of oxygen, carbon dioxide, etc. on each planet, they all have different temperatures mostly based on their distance from the sun, and finally, they all have different landscaping than Earth.

  7. Lily says:

    I claim that the planets in our solar system are the same because they stay in place and are all able to see the sun somewhat. The planets also orbit around the sun. They’re different because of the different temperatures they have due to not being close to the sun. They all have different structures, rocks, or patterns on the planets. The planets also have different sizes.

  8. Raegan says:

    The planets in our solar system all follow an orbit, but for some it takes less time and for some it takes more time. Earth takes about 365 days to orbit the sun, while planets like Neptune and Uranus might take longer. Their proximity to the Sun also makes them different. Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun, while Neptune is the farthest away. The mass of the planets also sets them apart from each other, Mercury is the smallest planet, possibly making it easier for gravity to pull its towards the Sun and make it travel faster around the Sun. The largest planet is Jupiter. The planets physical appearance of the planets is also very different, Earth is made up of water and land, causing it to have a blue and green color with clouds covering parts of it. Neptune is completely blue, Jupiter is a mix of orange, red, and cream colors, and mars looking very red.

  9. cyrus says:

    I claim that some planets are different because some of them are gas giants and some are just made of plain old rock. Some of the ones in the back of the solar system are cold the ones in the front are warm. There are some planets that have many moons and some that have only one they all have in common the fact that they orbit around the sun.

  10. Samara says:

    I claim there are similarities and differences among the planets in our Solar System. One difference is moons. Some planets like Jupiter have many moons, whereas Mercury has none. Another difference is the material the planet is made of. Jupiter is a gas giant and Earth is rock. Finally, a similarity is the planets all depend upon the Sun to stay in orbit, their distance from the Sun can result in another difference though, temperature. Planets closer to the Sun are warmer and the farther away the planets are colder.

  11. Eben says:

    Our planets are the same because all of the planets in our solar system were composed by the sun. The planets in our solar system are also different from each other because of their mass, how many moons they have, and what the planets consist of. The mass of the planets varies because of the difference of size compared to planets composed of rock and gas giants. Planets composed of rock were created by the matter that the sun produced at birth, but the gas giants are composed of gasses that were left over from the sun. Thats why planets made out of rock are towards the center of the solar system, while gas giants are on the outside of the solar system.

  12. Kyleisha says:

    I claim that the planets are all similar because they are circle, and orbit around the sun. They have different temperatures because one could be closer to the sun or farther. For example mars has a mountains so the planets have different structures on them in a way.

  13. Ally says:

    The plants in our solar system are similar because of how they all orbit the sun and that they all have some type of gravitational pull though some may be greater than others. Some differences with our planets is that some are gas giants, they are all different sizes, some have rings such as saturn and that they are all made up os different substances.

  14. Aji says:

    The planets are all different because they all are made of different things than the earth, and are all different distances from the sun. They all vary in size so they have different amounts of gravitational force. They all are the same because they all orbit around the sun. They also are all round in shape, and spherical.

  15. Josh~G. says:

    There are 9 planets in our Solar System, and each one is different like how earth is the only planet with the ability to sustain life. Despite the fact that they are different, the also have things in common. For example; Jupiter Neptune Uranus and Saturn are all gas planets, which is the first type of planet. The second type is a Solid Planet. These planets in our Solar System are the ones that you could walk on. They are made of solid minerals. This type contains Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. The last planet type is a Dwarf Planet. These planets are too small to be considered a planet, or have other objects in its orbit. The only Dwarf Planet in our Solar System is the lonely Pluto.

  16. Shae says:

    The planets in our solar system are all connected in that they orbit around our sun, the giant flaming ball of gas at the center of our galaxy, giving life to everything. But each and every one of the planets is different, in its own way. From tiny Mercury, to gargantuan Jupiter, or ringed Saturn, they all have their own environments. Mercury is the smallest, and the closest to the sun, and has an iron core and a rocky exterior. The next planet, Venus, is about the same size as Earth, but is covered in clouds, so people cannot see it from Earth.The planet that everyone seems to like the most is the Earth, with it’s lifeforms, oceans, plants, and of course, people! Mars, the red planet, which is super cold and rocky. The next planet is Jupiter, the largest planet, which is over 2.5 times as large as all the other planets combined. Next is Saturn, the most ‘spacey’ looking planet possible, which practically can’t be stepped on, as it is comprised of helium and hydrogen, like the sun. Uranus is another gas planet with bands that spin around the center. The final planet, Neptune, which is similar-looking to Uranus, but has a lot of water. So as you can see, the planets are quite varied, and are unique in their own way.

  17. Maddox says:

    Some similarities between the planets in our system is there in the same universe and they revolve around the sun. They also have differences in size and how much mass they have. Earth is the only planet is with life. That we know of as of now.

  18. Frank says:

    I claim that the planets in our solar system are the same by they all get heat from the sun but different temperatures. They are all different by the geosphere like some planets are gas and some planets Earth like.

  19. briar says:

    i claim that the planets that are closer to the sun have rock but the planets that are farther away are gas giants which means we cant land on these planets such as jupiter,neptune,uranus, and saturn. if we landed on any of these planets you would fall through and die before you hit the center due to harsh storms and tons of pressure. The only habitable planets in our solar system is earth and maybe mars but thats it.

  20. chello says:

    I claim that some of the similarities our planets have in the solar system are that they all orbit the same sun, so that means they all get their heat from the same place. Then I claim the differences they have are that they all have share different moons, with some having multiple, along with names weather patterns, sky appearance, day and night cycles, size, and placement, none of the planets are really side by side but more stacked under another.

  21. Robert says:

    I claim that the planets in our solar system are the same as it goes around the sun and the difference between the planets are some planets stay cold or if they are really close to the sun it’s really hot.

  22. daniel says:

    I claim that all the planets in the solar system orbit the sun. But all the planets get heated different and are different lengths from the sun.

  23. grace says:

    I claim that the planets in our solar system are the same because they are all orbiting the sun and also that they are all connected together with a gravitational pull. The planets are different by they all have a different spot in the solar system but going back to the gravitational pull thing they are gonna have a different amount of gravity pulling it in orbit.

  24. Aurora says:

    I claim that the planets are the same because they use gravity to keep themselves up and orbit around each other, and mostly have a round shape. I claim that they are different by the colors and size they have, the temperatures have different ranges of temperatures, they also have different textures, and have different distances from the sun.

  25. Kiara says:

    I claim that the planets are the same because they orbit around, they have different colors and sizes. They use gravity to keep themselves up and orbiting around. They have different textures and they are all round instead of shapes. The planets also have an age and they go around the sun at different speeds.

  26. Gaven says:

    I claim that the planets in our solar system are the same and different. They are the same because all planets orbit the sun and get solar energy from it. There are different sized planets and all of the planets have different features for example saturn has rings around it.

  27. John says:

    The planets in our solar system are the same because they all orbit the sun and get solar energy from it. The planets are different because they have different temperatures and features. For example, Mercury is very hot. Saturn and Jupiter have rings and moons. The planets are all different colors. I think that earth is the only one with water.

  28. glenn says:

    I claim that all the planets orbit the sun . One difference is that all planets are different sizes and some are not habitable for humans or plants or animals because some of the planets get some sunlight.

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