Forces That Cause Earth Movements

How does the rock of the Earth’s mantle move?

52 Responses

  1. cody says:

    When the mantle move it makes earthquakes. The top layer moves around because the solar system pushes it around.

  2. Carlos says:

    One way I think that the plates move when volcanoes erupt because the mantle might be holding the lava that comes out of volcanoes. The other way I think the plates move is by earthquakes because I read about how earthquakes had something to do with the reason that land was split.

    • Carlos says:

      I claim that cooled down magma or rock causes the Earth’s mantle to move. My evidence is on diagram 4 it shows a ridge, and on diagram 2 it shows magma rising and when magma rises it turns into rock. And because it gets cooled down by the water above it, it gets more rock and new rocks mean that the older rock from before gets pushed down and gets burnt/recycled, causing a loop.

  3. caden says:

    The Earth’s Tectonic plates move because of plumes of lava rapidly moving up pushing the plates. This process is similar to the way water moves ice under a frozen lake.

    • Caden says:

      I claim Earth’s tectonic plates move because of convection cells pushing tectonic plates apart. My evidence is that the textbook claimed magma was heated near the core rose up pushed against two plates causing them to push apart.

  4. Vera says:

    My guess is that maybe they move because of the Mantles temperature or maybe it just moves on its own, but I do know that when the Mantle’s plates move, that it would cause Earthquakes. It could also move because of the inside of the earth, what if thats whats causing it to move.

    • Vera says:

      I claim that the rocks of the earth’s mantle would move because of Convection. My evidence is that when heat rises it causes magma to form and come out, and when that happens the crust moves to make room for more. That’s what I think causes the earth’s mantle to move.

  5. Saze says:

    I believe that the earth’s mantle shifting is just its way of adjusting the weight of billions of people being on the surface. Otherwise the earth would just fall apart and their will no longer the humane society.

    • Saze says:

      I claim the earth’s mantle moves because of convection. My evidence is that when magma rises, it forms convection currents. Convection currents carry heat from the interior of the earth to the surface.

  6. Kendra says:

    The earth moves by, the top part of the mantle. The mantle has loose rocks on it outer layer called plates,the plates move and sometimes collide, making an earthquake. The wavelengths of an earthquake can be very weak or extremely powerful. The outer layer underneath the mantle is mainly magma,making the rock on the mantle hot and more moveable.

    • Kendra says:

      The earth moves by, the top part of the mantle. The mantle has loose rocks on it outer layer called plates,the plates move and sometimes collide, making an earthquake. The wavelengths of an earthquake can be very weak or extremely powerful. The outer layer underneath the mantle is mainly magma,making the rock on the mantle hot and more moveable.

  7. Makya says:

    I think in the mantle the rock might have a little bit of weakness like melting. I also think it might have something to do with the ocean down where we can’t reach there might be a current that keeps shifting the bottom.

  8. Isaac says:

    Maybe volcanoes when they erupt and the magma is coming up it moves the plates? well I honestly don’t really know tho, I think gravity has something to do with it but I’m not 100 % sure.

    • IsAaC says:

      I claim that the heat from convection makes rocks move.

      My evidence is that in my journal on picture number 2 it shows that the magma rises and it gets cooled off by the water above the magma, and it turns in to rock.Then when new magma comes and gets cooled off it causes the rock that hardened to move to the side taking the tectonic plates with causing them to go/rub into other plates eventually causing earthquakes or volcanoes or even trenches in the deep ocean.

  9. Sarah says:

    I’m not sure but I think the heat from the lower layers causes a layer of magma like liquid to form under the first rock base. When that sort of moves or gets hotter the plates begin to shift which could cause Earthquakes. They could also cause more lava-like disasters to happen.

  10. Mason says:

    The earth move by a force in space that I don’t know whats it’s called moves the earth. But i don’t know how it works.

    • Mason says:

      I know the earth’s mantle moves because of convection which is a movement of cells that are heated by magma (underground lava) and cause it to bring up magma into the ocean making new land (sea floor) and the old sea floor travels under toward the mantle and is recycled into new land and it’s called seafloor spreading.

  11. matt says:

    I think that the Mantle’s rocks move because the magma makes it so the rocks aren’t pushed together and can move. I think because they can move gravity will hold it in place and the earth will move which makes it seem like the rocks are moving to us.

    • Matt says:

      I claim that convection cells push tectonic plates apart. My evidence is that convection cells rise up and push against two plates causing them to be pushed apart. I also know that happens because we have mountains and mountains are formed by tectonic plates being pushed together.

  12. Kaylene says:

    How does the rock of the Earth’s mantle move good question i don’t exactly know but I think the mantle makes the rocks move and the heat. The Earth makes the rocks move because of force.

    • Kaylene says:

      I claim that Earth’s mantle moves because cells are pushing plates apart. My evidence is on diagram 4 it shows magma rising and it looks like it is making the plate move.

    • Kaylene says:

      I claim that Earth’s mantle moves because cells are pushing plates apart because of force. My evidence is on diagram 4 it shows magma rising and it looks like it is making the plate move.

  13. Duran says:

    I don’t know how the rock moves, but my guess is that the Earth’s rotation causes it to move. It wouldn’t move as fast as the Earth does, though, just way slower.

  14. Pamela says:

    How does the rock of the Earth’s mantle move? Well, the mantle is made of solid rock, but it does get more liquid when it gets deeper in the mantle. So maybe the heat from the magma in the mantle cause the rock(tectonic plates) in the upper mantle to move. That might cause an earthquake to happen or a volcano to erupt. Depending on how the magma heats the plates causing them to move.

  15. ryan says:

    Plates grind on one another because of magma currents. these currents move the plates to push up and make volcanoes.

  16. Veronica says:

    How does the rock of the earth’s mantle move? My best guess would be when the lava or magma travels up it moves the plates. I don’t know for sure if this is true but it would be my best guess, that is most likely not the only reason but it seems like the most logical thing to me.

    • Veronica says:

      I claim that the tectonic plates move because of convection cells. Convection is the movement of heat through a fluid and that movement causes movement of the lithospheric plates.
      My evidence is that on the diagram for mantle convection you can see that when the fluid moves it moves the plates with it causing trenches and ridges, and that on question seven of the review and reflect it mentions how convection in the mantle can shape the geosphere by forming volcanoes, mountains and trenches.

  17. Hailey says:

    The Earth’s mantle moves by the tectonic plates, when the plates shift, the minerals on the earth start to move. The plates shift because of the excessive heat from the Earths’ core magma. Another way the minerals move is earthquakes, because when the ground starts to shake its the moving of the tectonic plates rubbing each other, going over each other, or pulling away from each other.

  18. michael says:

    What I think what it moves to create stuff like earthquakes is by rubbing together then boom. It creates a big thing what makes a earthquake. But when it rises it’s warm material under it and thats all i know.

  19. david says:

    I claim that the crust moves because of the convection cells in the earth. My evidence for that is the convection cells move the crust to the sides and so the crust although slowly, is moved to the sides at a rate of 3 mm per month on average, which is about as fast as growing fingernails.

  20. trey says:

    I claim that the force that causes the mantle to move is heat. My evidence is that when something gets heated up it becomes less dense so it will move up. The mantle gets heated up and rises and then cools at the top and falls back down, much the same way as a lava lamp. Some of the hot magma pushes up on the ocean ridge and pushes the other rock off to the side. This is seafloor spreading. The rock eventually dips down and melts back into magma and starts over in the convection cell.

  21. Olivia says:

    I claim that the force that causes most of the plate movement is thermal convection. My evidence is where heat comes up under from the mid- ocean ridge, causes currents of hot rising magma and cooler sinking magma to flow, moving the plates of the crust along with them.

  22. adrianna says:

    I claim that the new magma from the mantle pushes the crust aside into the trenches and then it gets recycled back and when that happens it causes mountains, volcanoes, and earthquakes. My evidence is that the Plates at our planet’s surface move because of the intense heat in the Earth’s core that causes molten rock in the mantle layer to move. It moves in a pattern called a convection cell that forms when warm material rises, cools, and eventually sink down. Convection currents in the mantle causes tectonic plates to move when material near the Earth’s core rises, and colder mantle rock sinks down.

  23. Amadeo says:

    I claim that heat from the core and the earth’s gravity cause the movements in the earth’s crust and mantle. My evidence is that heating something will make it less dense and that heat from the earth’s core would definitely heat the lower rocks in the mantle because they are cooler than the core. The less dense rock would flow up because the more dense rock would push past it. This would cause convection cells in the mantle.

  24. Dante says:

    I claim that as new crust is formed it pushes the old crust out of the way and it gets recycled. My evidence is that magma rises and the seafloor spreads. This happens by the convection current get moved out of the way by magma rising and it takes the rock with it.

  25. Emily says:

    I claim that the tectonic plates move because the rocks get pushed to the side. My evidence is that when the magma rises it moves the plates and creates the crust this moves the plates to the side.

  26. Raven says:

    I claim that the rock on the Earth’s mantle gets pushed out and recycled. My evidence for this is during sea floor spreading in the mantle the magma gets super hot and expands and since heat rises it will try and push it’s way out and takes the flowing rocks along with it.

  27. Alec says:

    I claim that as new crust is made then the mantle pushes the seafloor and spreads. My evidence is that the rocks in the geosphere are always recycling and the crust is recycled as well. As the heat rises from below and cools from above at the top of the ridge it then spreads the seafloor. Convection happens when magma rises and when touched by the ocean it cools the magma. When the seafloor spreads it takes over millions of years.

  28. Megan says:

    I claim the earth’s mantle moves when rocks get pushed to form new crust while the old crust gets pushed back into the Earth’s mantle. My evidence is that when, convection occurs by heat from the mantle below the magma pushes up and seafloor spreading happens, then cooling from above makes new crust. The old crust gets pushed back into the mantle earthquakes, mountains, and volcanoes can form.

  29. Samuel ⚽️ 👍 says:

    I claim that the Earth’s crust moves because the rocks get recycled and get’s oozed back up to form new crust.

    My Evidence is that when two plates crash into each other, one plate gets pushed down and the heat from the mantle melts the rock down and it gets squirted back up to
    Form new crust.

  30. caitlynn says:

    I claim that as new crust is made the old crust gets pushed out and is recycled back into the mantle.
    My evidence is seafloor spreading because of the heat from the earth rises magma and pushes old crust out of the way for newer crust. The new crust gets cooled from the ocean as sea-floor. Now when old crust is pushed it get recycled back into the mantle in and it happens again and that’s called mantle convection as it continues. When that happens again the new crust will now be the old crust and that’s the cycle of it.

  31. Arianna says:

    I claim that the magma rises from the rift valley and pushes the older rock aside to form newer rock. My evidence is that in the mantle, there is flowing rock and in between, the magma starts rising, the plate above the mantle,the Lithospheric Plate, splits in two, forming a rift valley. The magma rises from the rift valley and flows over the ridge crest, pushing the older rock aside and slowly starts to harden, forming new rock and new seafloor or sea crust.

  32. Jestin says:

    I claim that the earth’s rock moves because of convection cells. My evidence is the convection current happens when magma heat rises up from below the water and then cools down making more rock. Then the rock moves away from where it rose and soon it enters a trench then more magma turned into rock comes up to replace it, basically recycling.

  33. Nevaeh says:

    I claim that the plates move from force while the new magma pushes the old crust to the side so a new crust can be form and while that happens mountains, volcanoes, earthquakes can occur and all that good stuff. My evidence is that the earth’s mantle is containing hot magma which is new well more like recycled wish the world was more like the mantle reusing things, now convection cells and currents help with seafloor spreading which allows magma and heat to rise up from the inner core and help with the new crust coming and old crust going.

  34. cody says:

    I claim that the plates of the earth move because the geosphere moves around the magma. My evidence is that we know that the heat moves in a circle during mantle convection. When the heat goes up it can cause a ridge, and when cooler magma goes down it can cause a trench.

  35. Pamela says:

    I claim that the rock in the earth’s mantle gets moved by heat from convection cells. My evidence the is magma coming from the bottom part of the mantle rises and when it cools from above it turns into volcanic rock. The magma that keeps rising is pushing the rock aside into the mantle and creating trenches.

  36. Michael says:

    I claim that when the new convection cells rises it replaces the new ones so what forces the new ones i don’t know but what i know is. In the north and south pole have like a magnetic pole in both sides so that’s what causes it.

  37. Ryan says:

    I claim it’s from magma in the mid-ocean ridge. My evidence is from the cooling magma moves the rock.

  38. alex says:

    I claim that the crust moves because a bunch of gasses trapped in the mantle. And those gases are trying to get out wich makes the mantle move

  39. Kylie says:

    I claim that the rocks of the earth’s mantle move by gravity and heat flowing up from the earth’s core to the mid-ocean ridge. My evidence is convection cells with heat from the magma below make the magma rise then it comes through the mid ocean ridge. Then it is cooled from above and new rocks are formed. Then this causes the seafloor to spread.

  40. neal says:

    My evidence is that movement is caused by heat from below in the rising magma. It will cool down and become a tectonic plate. And when those plates scrape on each other they will cause an Earthquake or a mountain. The way the rocks move is that when the magma rises it cools down and becomes a solid until it moves away from the ridge back to the point that it recyceles to magma in the mantle.

  41. Hailey says:

    I claim the rock of the Earth’s mantle moves because of the convection cells pushing tectonic plates apart. My evidence is that when the mantle rock melts it turns into magma, which causes the magma to rise up because magma is less dense, so this action from the magma causes the plates to move apart.

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