Planets and Moons

Explain what you know about the sizes, locations, and compositions of the planets and moons in our solar system.

69 Responses

  1. alec says:

    I know the Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system and is a gas giant. And the earth is the only habitable planet in our solar system and its composition is around 70%-85% water and the rest is land.

    • Alec says:

      I know that neptune is 4,799,000,000 miles away from the sun. It also has a diameter of 30,780 miles which is 4 times bigger than earth’s diameter. And mars is 141,600,000 miles away from the sun. And its diameter is 4,222 miles which is .5 of earth’s diameter. And earth is 92,960,000 miles away from the sun. And its diameter is 7,926 miles which is the 5th largest planet.

  2. Damian says:

    Of all the planets, Juniper is by far the largest of the {9} planets of our galaxy. Pluto is the smallest in comparison with the other planets. The locations of the planets also determine the speed of its orbit and its general climate. Mercury is the hottest planet and Pluto is the coldest. Mercury, since it is the closest planet to the sun, has a quicker orbit and a hotter surface, and Pluto is in the slower orbit and a colder surface.

    • Damian says:

      How quick your planet/moon’s orbital period is may depend on the distance to the sun. Take Mercury and Pluto, for example, Mercury’s orbital period takes about ⅓ of an earth year, Pluto, on the other hand, takes many earth years. The distance from the sun may make a difference in the orbital time. The size, however, doesn’t seem to much effect besides the spin time, like how it takes Earth 24 hours to completely spin, the orbital spin of the planet/moon may depend on the size and/or shape of the planet/moon. The locations will also affect the orbital period around the sun. The composition of each planet and moon don’t cause any orbital problems but the habitability or being able to get onto the planet or moon. If it’s all gases, you may not be able to physically get onto the planet or moon. If it’s like Mercury or Venus, it will be too hot to physically stand there, since it is some million miles.

  3. Nevaeh says:

    I claim there are more than 5 planets in our solar system that we have discovered besides the few that are past ploudo that are dwarf planets, my evidence is that there are 8 known planets of all shapes and sizes in our solar system they all make a rotation around the sun unless you are the sun. There are most likely more in the galaxy besides the ones that we know and love how so well we are finding more about the black space around us there are black holes all around us.

  4. trey says:

    I know that the planets order Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and the dwarf planet Pluto. Jupiter is the biggest, Mars is after Earth and people want to colonize it, Pluto is the smallest, Venus is the warmest even though Mercury is closer, and Saturn has the rings.

    • Trey says:

      I know that the sun is in the middle and the planets orbit around it. Mercury is the closest to the sun then it is Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto the dwarf planet. Mercury, Venus, Earth, and mars are rocky planets and have solid surfaces. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are gas planets. Mercury is closest to the sun but Venus is hotter due to the gasses. Earth is our home. Scientists want to colonize mars. Jupiter is the biggest by far. Saturn has rings. Uranus spins on its side. Neptune is blue and the farthest away from the sun. and Pluto is technically not a planet.

  5. Kylie says:

    The 9 planets in the solar system are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. The further a planet is from the sun, the colder it is. The Earth is made of rock, water, the North and south poles are ice.

  6. Isabelle says:

    What I know is that the moon is really cold and the sun is really hot and moon hot and there is no life on the moon yet. I was told that Jupiter is the largest planet.

  7. neal says:

    Are solersistum has 8 planets and a lot of moons and some dwarf planet Ones called Plotow. There are a lot more of dwarf planet rownd are situm. And the father you are from the sun the colder it gets

    • neal says:

      Are solersistum has 8 planets and a lot of moons and some dwarf planet Ones called Plotow. There are a lot more of dwarf planet rownd are situm. And the father you are from the sun the colder it gets the closer you are the hotter it gets. Depending on the plant size the planet’s gravity will crush you or make you lighter on the plait. If the planet is orbiting the right way the planet will soon stop and get rip apart by the planet itself.

  8. Emily says:

    Earth is the third planet from the sun. There are eight planets and the further you go from the sun the colder it is. That is why earth is cool enough to inhabit because it isn’t super close to the sun.

    • Emily says:

      Some planets have an atmosphere and temperatures vary. Some are a couple hundred degrees below zero and some are a couple hundred above. The planets and moons have very different climates. The atmosphere varies with each planet or moon. Some don’t have an atmosphere. Gravity varies on each planet. Some planets or moons don’t have gravity, some do and some have a lot of gravity or a little. All the planets and moons all have a different spot in the solar system. Some planets have water and some don’t. Some planets are known for things like rings, spots, craters, or being alike to another planet.

  9. Dante says:

    I just know that in our solar system that there are eight planets and the closest planet to the sun is Mercury and Neptune is the farthest away.

    • Dante says:

      I know that there are there are eight planets in our Solar System and Mercury is the closest and Neptune is the furthest. A planet like Mercury has no atmosphere and a planet like Earth has an atmosphere and some get really cold and some get really hot. Earth is the only planet that has liquid water and the rest either have ice or no water at all.

  10. Olivia says:

    I Claim that I know some sizes, or location and I do know a little bit of the composition. My evidence is that the composition of the moon could be very rocky and rough, and some of the planets could be too. Maybe even some planets could be smooth. I’m not sure what the sizes of each would be. And I only know some of the locations, for example, some planets are inner planets, and other planets could be outer.

  11. Adrianna says:

    I know that there are about eight planets; earth, mercury, Venus, Uranus, Jupiter, and Saturn. I also know that some have one or more moon.

  12. Megan says:

    I know that there are eight planets. Some people think that there are nine, but there are eight because Pluto is a dwarf planet( that is not an actual planet). Jupiter is the biggest planet. Mercury is the closest planet to the sun. Then it is Venus, then Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, and finally Pluto. Mars is the last rock planet. The rest of them after Mars are gas. I also know that Earth is the only planet that has water as a liquid, solid, and gas.

    • Megan says:

      I know that there are four planets that have a rocky exterior, and there are four planets that have gasses as their exterior. I also know that Venus is the hottest planet. The planet Mercury is named after the roman god that delivered messages to the god Jupiter. In greek Mercury is Hermes. Mercury has no moons. Mercury has less gravity than earth. If you weighed 100 lbs on Earth, you would weigh about 38 lbs on Mercury. Mercury is also the closest planet to the sun. Mars is named after the roman war god. In greek the Mars is Ares. Mars has traces of liquid water and is a possible destination were humans will go if we are in need of a new planet. I know that there are eight planets. Some people think that there are nine, but there are eight because Pluto is a dwarf planet( that is not an actual planet).

  13. alex says:

    What I know is that planets are basically giant round rocks that depending on how close or far away they are from the sun they can be like our planet kind of warm kind of cold or blazing hot or freezing cold and the only reason we aren’t burning or freezing to death is because of this nifty thing called the atmosphere.

  14. Adrianna says:

    I know that there are about eight planets; Earth, Mercury, Mars, Venus, Uranus, Jupiter, Neptune, and Saturn. I also know that some have one or more moon.

  15. Raven says:

    I honestly have no clue about the other planets in our solar system or the solar system in general, so I guess I’ll find out soon and actually have information about the solar system that I can share with others.

    • Raven says:

      Mercury is the closest planet to the sun it is similar to the Earth’s moon with no atmosphere, next is Venus the second planet away from the sun and sixth largest planet, then it’s Earth our planet and the fifth largest planet, the next planet is Mars, and then Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and lastly the farthest planet from the sun is Neptune.

  16. Samuel W. says:

    The solar system is very large so the planets in the solar system have a lot of space between them. Planets come in many sizes and compositions; look at Earth, water, dirt, metal, and rock, now look another planet, say Saturn for example. Saturn is made up of main gases, yet another planet, say, Mars, is similar to Earth, yet all dusty and cold and barren. So planets have great diversity. Some planets have an atmosphere, no matter how thin, some don’t. Some planets also have rings, like Saturn and Uranus. They also can differ in temperature too, like Mercury, which I think might be thousands of degrees warmer than Earth, yet Pluto is much, much, much, much, farther from the Sun than Earth is, so It’s probably ( I’m guessing here) thousands of degrees colder than the Earth is. So the planets come many and varied. That’s all I got.

  17. caitlynn says:

    So far all I know about the solar system. I know the jupiter is the 1st biggest planet in it. Saturn is the second biggest, then uranus, neptune, then earth. I can’t remember after that. The other thing I do know is that. We rotate around the sun.

    • caitlynn says:

      What I know about the solar system is that it is one of the biggest things in this universe and it can take years to get to get to places to places. Over this unit I got to learn about titan which is saturn’s largest moon and the 2nd biggest in the solar system. Some of the other things I got to learn is some of the moons and planets are habitable for mankind like mars, titan and many more. I also got to learn a couple size of planets and moons like the radius of Earth radius is 3,963 miles long or Titan is about 1,600 miles long. I also got to learn that some planets and moons have gravy on them and if they have a atmosphere. Some planets also seem to be a certain color but it’s just the dust and gas in the atmosphere.

  18. David says:

    We have 12 planets if you count the dwarves, Mercury very hot day and very cold night, very long day over 100 earth days. Venus tis’ our evil twin, with incredible heat, and acid rain. Earth: we live on it and I would be writing for a month to share that knowledge. Jupiter it is the largest and made of gasses. Saturn another gassy one with rings of sand and ice. Neptune a stormy planet of water. Uranus the tipped one with rings like Saturn but vertical instead of horizontal. finally the dwarves, frozen Pluto ( think MN winter every day, all day, all year), and about 4 others whose names I cannot remember.

  19. cody says:

    I claim that earth moves around the sun in the solar system and the other planets. My evidence is that is true.

  20. IsAAc says:

    I think Jupiter is the largest and I know what planet we live on… Earth!

    • Isaac says:

      I know now that the sun is in center/middle of the Solar System and that there is only 8 planets in the Solar System and a lot of moons. I know that all other planets orbit the Sun. I believe Jupiter is the farthest away, and the closest is Venus, and Earth is the 2nd closest to the Sun. Most are made up of gases, and some are made up of rock.

  21. Sarah says:

    What I know about our Solar System is that there are eight planets. Those planets include Mercury, Venus, Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, Neptune, and Uranus.

    • Sarah says:

      I claim there are eight official planets in our solar system and many dwarf planets. These planets include; Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Some planets are made from more solid material and some consist mostly of gas. All planets in our solar system rotate around the Sun.

  22. michael says:

    I only know a little but so far I know is that we live on a planet called earth and there is 12 planets total I think and Jupiter us the largest. And Mars is the closest to earth and we live on earth.

  23. ryan says:

    I know the basics, there are nine planets I don’t know them all but I know 3. the sun, earth, earth’s moon, and Jupiter.

  24. matt says:

    I know that earth is the only planet we know of that can be inhabited. I also know that Mercury is the closest planet to the sun and Jupiter is the largest. I also know that all planets have an orbit and the sun is more than twice the size of the earth and is a burning ball of gas.

    • matt says:

      I know that there is three dwarf planets and two of them are named pluto and eris. I also know that on some planets and moons there are cryovolcano which are like cold volcanoes. Another thing I know is that planets orbit can go out of the solar system like eris. Another thing is that some planets can have no moons and some can have about forty. I also know that earth is the only planet we know of that can be inhabited. Another thing is that sometimes a planets atmosphere can freeze and fall down as snow.

  25. Vera says:

    Well, what I know is every planet in our solar system. And the one closest to the sun is Mercury. But the one farthest from the sun is Neptune. I also know that the moon has giant craters in it, but I’m not sure if there is more than one moon but I think its a possibility. For the most part, that’s what I know.

    • Vera says:

      What I know is every planet in our solar system. I know that some planets have an atmosphere and some don’t, I know that all planets are composed of different thing like carbon, helium, etc., some planets have other orbit times than others, some planets have different diameters and weights than other plants, I also learned about lots of moons and other dwarf plants I didn’t know about. Other than Pluto though. But the thing I found most interesting was that all planets are different and all have unique features to them.

  26. Carlos says:

    I know that Jupiter is the largest planet, Pluto is the furthest planet from the sun, Earth is the most populated, Mercury is the closest to the sun, and that all of the planets orbit around the sun.

  27. Mason says:

    We have 12 planets if you count the dwarf planets. Earth is the only known planet with life. Mercury is not made of mercury.

    • Mason says:

      I know some planets have more moons than others, some planets are made of just gases, some have no atmosphere, and starting from the sun the planets get bigger and bigger outwards.

  28. Makya says:

    I know that Saturn has a ring around it and that Jupiter is the biggest planet and that mercury is the closest to the sun,and Pluto is the farthest from the sun.

  29. cali says:

    I know that some planets have many moons, mercury is the closest to the sun, pluto is the smallest planet, jupiter is the largest, and pluto is the farthest and the coldest from the sun.

    • Cali says:

      there is a plant in which you can walk on the atmosphere it is so cold. Venus spins the opposite direction than most planets.

  30. Kaylene says:

    I know that Jupiter is the biggest planet and the smallest planet is Pluto. There are 9 planets in the solar system are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Earth is the third planet from the sun, all of the planets are all different sizes and shapes.

  31. Kendra says:

    Question: Explain what you know about the sizes, locations, and compositions of the planets and moons in our solar system?
    Each planet is on a ring of the solar system that orbits the sun. Mercury is the closest to the sun while Pluto is the farthest(even though it isn’t considered a real planet).

    • Kendra says:

      I claim that planets have compositions and different locations

      my evidence is..there are 9 main planets that revolve around the sun ,they are each on there own ring of the solar system that orbits the sun. Mercury is the closest to the sum while Pluto is the farthest(even though it isn’t considered a real planet.

  32. Veronica says:

    I know that there is a total of 9 planets in our solar system, depending on how close the plant is relative to the sun the temperature may vary. For example, the farther you are from the sun the colder the planet is if you are closer to the sun the planet’s climate will be warmer.

  33. Duran says:

    We have 8 planets (in order); Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. The first four are not gas planets and you can land on them with proper equipment (aside from Earth since we live on it already). Mercury is the closest to the Sun, but it is not the hottest planet, that title goes to Venus and it is the hottest planet and you could not survive on it because of all of the deadly gasses there. Earth is our home, and we have one moon. Mars is the red planet which we have sent rovers to, and possibly humans sometime soon. Mars also has the largest mountain in the solar system I believe and it has two moons.
    The last four, which are gas planets, are the largest planets and have rings around them. They also have many moons that orbit them, and Jupiter has the most out of them. If you tried landing on them, you would not survive.
    Pluto is not considered a planet anymore because it goes through orbit with Neptunes’ orbit.

    • Duran says:

      I claim that I now know we have more interesting stuff that is within our solar system. My evidence is the debates that we did yesterday. It was a lot of fun and I learned new stuff about the other bodies in the solar system, even about our planets.

  34. Caden says:

    The planet closest to the sun I believe is Mercury. It either has no atmosphere or little atmosphere and is very hot because of its proximity to the sun. Then the next planet would be Venuse it has a thick and toxic atmosphere and is similar to earth in mass. After that is Earth which has large oceans, molten core and is far enough away from the sun to support life. Then it is mars which has a similar size to earth.

    • Caden says:

      The main thing I found out about our solar system is that there is more than just one dwarf planet. One of these dwarf planets is Eris another is Makemake. I also learned that Europa a moon has oxygen and water on it. Eris is even farthere away than Pluto and is completely unexplored and is fifty degrees from absolute zero.

  35. Hailey says:

    What I know about the sizes, locations, and compositions of the planets and moons in our solar system is that we have 8 planets, well 9 if you count Pluto which is considered a dwarf planet by all means. The planets are in an order of Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Out of all these planets, Jupiter is the largest with Pluto being the smallest by a long shot. Although I’m not entirely sure what the composition of every single planet is, I can conclude Earth is made up of 71% of water with the rest being land.

    • Hailey says:

      I claim that the hottest planet in our solar system is Venus other than the Sun (Which is a star), with temperatures of (70.7°C, 159.26°F) to (465°C, 870°F). It’s also 162 million miles (261 million kilometers) away from Earth, has 167 large volcanoes that are over 100 km (62 mi) across, and has several more volcanoes than Earth. These hot temperatures are caused by the fact that Venus is surrounded by remarkably hot gases and persistent greenhouse effects that prevail in the atmosphere. Although all these factors contribute to Venus’s high temperatures, the sun does not as much effect it. In fact, Mercury is closer to the sun than Venus is! Though, Mercury’s hot side is not as warm as Venus because Mercury has little to no atmosphere and is smaller than Venus. A planet that’s the opposite of Venus and Mercury is Neptune. Neptune’s average temperatures consist of (-200 °C, -392°F) because Neptune is the farthest planet from the sun and its atmosphere/composition consist of cold/frozen gases. Other planets can also consist of these same atmospheres, compositions, and temperatures as Venus, Mercury, and Neptune as well.

      Planets Order from the Sun; Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.

  36. Pamela says:

    There are nine planets, if you want to count Pluto a planet. Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system. Mercury is the planet closest to the sun so that means that it is the hottest. Neptune is the farthest planet from the sun(not including Pluto) so it is the coldest. I also, know that some planets have moons and lots of them, but our earth has only one moon. Mars is the last rock planet. All the planets after that are gas.

    • Pamela says:

      In our Solar System there is many planets and moons. The eight specific planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus. There is also five dwarf planets. Pluto is the largest dwarf planets. Venus gots its name from the roman goddess of love and beauty. Venus is the second planet closest to the sun. Venus is also the hottest planet.

  37. Amadeo says:

    I claim that Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system, it’s also the closest to the sun, has no moons, and is composed similarly to the core of the earth, it has little to no atmosphere and is very cold on the side facing away from the sun and very hot on the other side because of it’s very long days. Venus is the 2nd closest, it is almost as large as the earth and is composed similarly except that it’s atmosphere has far more greenhouse gasses than ours and is therefore even hotter than Mercury’s hot side, it also has a very dense atmosphere and acid rain, I know nothing of whether it has moons at all. The earth is 8 light minutes from the sun and is the first remotely hospitable one, it’s also the first one with a moon, and has a protective atmosphere and magnetic field. Mars is roughly ⅓ the size of the earth and its atmosphere isn’t protective and is mostly CO2 if I’m not mistaken, this planet has an orbit a little more than 2 times the length of ours, it’s core is also cooled so it has no magnetic field. Between Mars and Jupiter is the asteroid belt with many asteroids and some planetoids. Jupiter is roughly 3 times as far out as mars and is by far the largest of the planets in our solar system, I think it’s mostly hydrogen, it is the first of the gas giants, it has some faint rings around it and several moons some of which are larger than our own, it also has the largest magnetic field of all the planets and nearly reaches Saturn. Saturn is the second largest and has several large rings and many moons, I’m not sure what gas its made of but it is a gas giant. Uranus is the 2nd to farthest planet and it spins on its side, it has rings, and several moons, it is a gas giant. Neptune is the farthest out, a nice blue, and gas giant. Farther out is the Kuiper belt which is a very large ring if comets asteroids and some planetoids. Even farther out is the Oort cloud which is a one light year across sphere of asteroids, comets, and planetoids going out to the edge of the solar system.

  38. Jestin says:

    The biggest planet is Jupiter and it also has the most moons though we only have one, We can inhabit Mars and make it like Earth. That’s what Elon Musk is trying to do (I think). Earth has many bodies of water like Minnesota and it having over 10,000 lakes and we have the ocean but other planets don’t have as much water that’s why Humans are able to live on Earth

    • Jestin says:

      The biggest planet is Jupiter it also has the most moons, Jupiter has a giant red spot which is a nice feature. We can live on Mars so Nasa is putting trees and stuff on the planet, Mars is our secondary planet in case Earth gets blown up or some other Natural Disaster. Saturn is the second biggest with its ring that is made of various things.

  39. David says:

    Space fun facts; Neptune has diamond rain, Titan has oceans of methane, Eris is very cold, Mercury is very cold at times or very hot. A moon of Neptune, Tritan has much stronger gravity than earth, Europa has a weaker gravitational pull than earth and it much colder and irradiated. That sums up the things I have learned over the past few weeks, in relation to space things that is.

  40. Isabelle says:

    There are big planets and not so big planets. Earth can be hot and cold because it’s spinning and when one side of the Earth is cold the other side is hot. Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system and the smallest Planet is Mercury. Saturn and Neptune has rings.

  41. nevaeh says:

    We have discovered 8 known planets of all shapes and sizes in our solar system. Now the 8 planets are as we know it Earth, Venus, Neptune, Saturn, Uranus, Jupiter, Mars, and Mercury. In which this does not include the few that are past Pluto. They all make a rotation around the sun unless you are the sun. Now as we know it the galaxy has many things to be found and many things that have been lost like spacecrafts an astronauts. There are most likely more in the galaxy besides the ones that we know and love how so well we are finding more about the black space around us there are black holes all around us.

  42. Olivia says:

    I claim that i know more about size, locations, and compositions of planets and moons. My evidence is that Venus for example, its location is second from the sun and it’s the sixth largest planet. The composition of it is very very hot. The size of Venus is 3,760 miles, or 6,052 kilometers. Another example is Pluto. Pluto is one-fifth of earth’s diameter. The composition is water ice, frozen gases, and some rock. Pluto is on the Kuiper belt. And its size is 715 miles and 1,151 kilometers.

  43. Olivia says:

    All the planets are different sizes with different atmospheres, some dont have an atmosphere. Some have moons and some dont have moons. Planets are made of rock,ice,gas and liquid. Planets that are farther from the sun are colder.

  44. alex says:

    There are a total of 8 planets and 5 dwarf planets in our solar system and they are all compounds of different materials, for example, Pluto is 70% rock and 30% ice. And I know that both Pluto and Eris are smaller than the earth’s moon.

  45. Samuel says:

    The solar system is unique as far as I know, where all the planets in the system orbit a star, which in turn provides the light and heat for the life for the planets in the “Goldilocks Zone” as they call it, the order in our solar system is really very important, because if Earth was in the place of Mercury, we’d all be toasted, if Earth was in the place of Neptune, the we’d be all little ice cubes floating around, (not literal ice cubes, but you get the point) so the fact that Earth is in just the right place in our solar system is really lucky for us humans. Another thing that’s really lucky about Earth is the amount of breathable air the planet possesses, and the amount of drinkable water and the gravity that keeps us from jumping into space, the atmosphere that keeps the air in, it’s really very lucky that life on Earth had formed at all. The big gassy giants have no life on them ‘cause they are almost 100% gases, the outer planets Neptune, Uranus, and the dwarf planets are all to cold for life at the present moment, Venus and Mercury are too hot, not to mention Venus is all acid-rainy. So we as humans are very lucky to have Earth.

  46. MICHAEL says:

    I claim that there are eight planets in the solar, not twelve. Then the sun is a star which is crazy because that’s a big star. Plus Uranus is the coldest planet in the solar system and we all know that Pluto is not a planet anymore sadly. And the earth the second planet to the sun.

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