Planet Info

Tell me a few things you know about the planets in our solar system–names, locations, what they’re made of, etc. Remember–if I think you have looked up information I will delete your post.

49 Responses

  1. Louis says:

    Rocky planets orbit closer to the sun while gassier planets orbit farther from the sun.

    • Louis says:

      Mars is the 4th planet from the sun. Many missions have been sent to Mars; the most recent rover is the Mars perseverance rover. Mars is smaller than and has less gravity than Earth. The highest temperature on mars is 70 degrees F. Mars is currently the closest it will get to earth for a long time.

  2. Tori says:

    I know that the planets have different levels and sizes of gravity, and all planets orbit the sun, somehow.

    • Tori says:

      I learned that Jupiter is the biggest planet in the Solar system, Jupiter has stronger gravity than Earth, and I learned that you cant land on Saturn neither can the
      space probes.

  3. Matia says:

    I know that Pluto used to be considered a planet, but then they discovered that it doesn’t meet all of the qualifacations so it isn’t a planet anymore. Pluto is a dwarf planet. I know that Saturn has rings around it. I know that Mars is the closest planet to the sun.

    • Matia says:

      I now know that Mars is not the closest planet to the sun. The order is Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. I now know what a Gas Giant is. It’s a planet that is basically just compact gas. These planets are uninhabitable because they aren’t solid. The gas giants are Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. The largest is Neptune. I know that mars is the most seemingly inhabitable, after Earth of course.

  4. Chris says:

    Here are a few things I know about planets, I know all the names of the planets like the Moon, Neptune, Jupiter, Saturn, Earth, Mercury, Venus, Uranus, Pluto, Mars. Another thing I know about our solar system is at the center of our solar system is the Sun.

  5. X says:

    What I know about the planets is that earth is the only known planet that has life on it. Nars might have had inhabitants on, it but now it is empty. Venus’s atmosphere makes it impossible to live on it. Mercury is so close to the sun that a day on mercury takes longer than a year. Then there are the gas giants, I would go on but my neck hurts so ima stop typing

    • X says:

      I didn’t know that mercury is shrinking.
      I didn’t know that Uranus orbited in the other direction
      I didn’t know that Jupiter has one of the fastest days in the solar system

  6. Bella says:

    I don’t know too much about the solar system and the planets but I do know the order of the planets (closest to the sun to farthest away) are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and then Neptune (plus a number of dwarf planets). I think only a few of the planets are made up of rock and minerals, and I know some are made up of hydrogen but thats all I know about the materials. Also, they are all different sizes.

    • Bella says:

      I learned quite a decent amount of information. I learned that Jupiter’s atmosphere is made up of three layers. I learned that most planets are named after a Roman or Greek god. I also learned that You can’t land on Saturn because it is a gas giant.

  7. zoey says:

    In our solar system, there are eight planets and roughly around one hundred moons. The largest planet in our solar system is Jupiter many think its the sun but the sun is classified as a star. the smallest planet in our solar system is mercury. There has been much debate about if pluto is a planet or not and 2015-17 the debate was sealed and pluto is now not classified as a planet. Mars is known as the gas planet for that is what its atmosphere is made of. NASA has tried to send rovers and cameras to document the serfuse of mars but they burn up in the atmosphere. Earth is made up of water dirt and oxygen. The Earth is the only planet with documented life on it, scientists believe at one point there might have been life on other planets that have yet to be discovered.

    By: Zoey

    • zoey says:

      There have been 24 people that have seen Earth from space. Most scales are highly inaccurate. Earth is the size of a marble when down to scale. It takes about 7 miles of empty space to make an accurate scale.
      Mercury got its name from the Roman messenger god. This is ironic because NASA has sent a spacecraft to study Mercury called the MESSENGER spacecraft. Mercurys’ gravitational force is about 62% weaker then Earth’s if you were to put a hundred-pound block on Mecury it would weigh 38 pounds.

  8. emma says:

    Jupiter is big. Neptune is blue. Mercury is the closest to the sun. All planets have orbit. Saturn has rings. Mercury is a dwarf planet.

  9. Julian Goudge-Frazer says:

    What i know about planets is that Earth is the only one that can currently support life. The other things i know are that our solar system is located within the Milky Way galaxy. I also know that Venus is the hottest planet and Neptune is the coldest, Neptune is also farthest away. I also know that there are rumors going around that they can start life on Mars. Our solar system is also orbiting around the Sun Because the sun has the most gravitational force. Also Jupiter is the biggest planet.

  10. Marin says:

    I know that there are 8 planets: Mars, Earth, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. I know that Pluto used to be a planet. I know they all revolve around the Sun.

    • Marin says:

      I learned that Jupiter has clouds, and that there is a huge red spot on it that scientists think is a storm. I learned that Jupiter’s name comes from a king of ancient Roman gods and that it’s called that because it’s huge so it’s seen as powerful. I learned that Jupiter has a ring around it made of dust. I know the probes that have been sent there are called Juno, Galileo, Voyager 1, Voyager 2, Pioneer 10, and Pioneer 11. I know that Jupiter has 67 moons some of them being Europa, Io, Callisto, and Amalthea.

  11. Landon says:

    I know that all of the planets orbit the sun. And that Venus is the hottest planet and mercury is the second hottest.

    • Landon says:

      I’ve learned some new things since the last time I’ve posted my blog post here are some of them

      Mercury has a bunch of Atoms being blasted off of it.
      Mercury gets to a high of 800 degrees and a low of 180 degrees.
      Mercury is the first planet from the sun.

  12. Destinee says:

    i know there is 8 planets, they orbit around the sun. and that we have a lot od dawf plants like pluto

    • Destinee says:

      I learned that you cant land on Saturn. Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system. Jupiter has over 60+ moons. All the planets have different amounts of Gravity. And most of the planets were named after a Roman or Greek god. And Earth is the only Planet that something can live on.

  13. Drake says:

    Here is what I know about the planets.

    – Due to Mercury being the closest planet to the sun, it is an extremely hot planet, while planets like Neptune are extremely cold, due to how far away it is to the sun.

    – While Earth’s full orbit only takes 365 days (1 yr.), Neptune’s orbit takes around 100+ years. I forgot the exact number, but it was around the hundreds range.

    – Despite Neptune having a very long orbit time, Pluto has the longest, being around 240+. Despite Pluto being considered a dwarf planet and not necessarily a planet on it’s own, I still consider it as a planet.

    – Aren’t Saturn’s rings made of ice or something? I forgot.

    – I knew all the planet’s names by when I was only 4 years old. I learned them from a video game.

    – The Earth is the only planet (so far) sustainable to live in. It could also potentially be the most developed planet, as it goes through seasons, has an atmosphere, and has moderate temperatures.

  14. caleb says:

    I know the more outer reaches are mostly gas giants. there are 8 planets I can’t name them all but Earth,Mars,Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus,Pluto are the ones I can remember.

    • caleb says:

      I learned that only three planets are rocky. The earth was created by cosmic dust clouds tied together by gravity. I also learned about how different atmospheres are and that some planets don’t have any.

  15. Addison says:

    if the sun were to explode, it would release large amounts of radiation and we would die without knowing it.

  16. izabel says:

    I know that the sun is our biggest star in the solar system and the planets in our solar system are, Mercury, Venus, Neptune, Jupiter, Saturn, Earth, and Mars. I think Saturn has its rings that orbit the planet because of how strong its gravitational force is. The rings around Saturn are rocks and gas I think. I know that when earth is tilted a certain way one side of the earth is summer and the other side is winter.

    • izabel says:

      I learned that you can fit 63 Earths inside Uranus.
      I learned that you can not land on the planet Saturn.
      I learned Saturn has icy moons.

  17. Claudia/Travis says:

    Im not very informed about space, or the planets but i do know a few of the planets. I know that mars is very dry, and that Saturn has rings around it comprised of large space debris. Pluto is.. hot?

  18. Victoria says:

    I don’t know that much about the solar system but I know the earth is the only planet that could support life, I also know the planets names like Earth,Neptune,Jupiter,Moon,Saturn,Mercury,Uranus,Mars, and Pluto.

  19. Brogynn says:

    The planets are all different sizes, im not positive what order the planets are in but i do know that mars is the closest to the sun. some planets are made out of rock, gas, chemicals, and probably more. Pluto used to be considered a planet but it later because a dwarf planet, a dwarf planed is just a small planet. the moon is about 1/4 of earth and the sun can fit all of the planets in it 600 times. planets are cool and gravity and inertia keeps the planets spinning and going in circles around the sun.

    • Brogynn says:

      I learned that Mercury is the smallest planet out of the 8 planets. Mercury has no atmosphere, and it is the closest planet to the Sun but it is the 2ed warmest. Because mercury has not atmosphere to keep the warmth in like Venus, Thats why Venus is that warmest planet. Mercury has the fastest orbit around the Sun, which is 88 days. Mercury is also grey, The MESSENGER is a mission that is currently in the orbit of Mercury to observe and find more information on this planet.

  20. Mariah says:

    I know that the rock planets like mars earth and others are closer in orbit to the sun and that mars is closest. Satter has rings made of ice and rocks; it’s also a gas planet like venus,jupiter, uranus and Mercury.

    • Mariah says:

      I learned that Mars is a little over half the size of Earth and that it’s the 4th planet from the Sun. Mars is 7918 miles away from the Sun and Mars was named after a Roman and Greek god Ares the God. I know that there’s been 14 probes sent to Mars and that there were signs of floating water.

  21. izabel says:

    oh yeah i forgot Uranus

  22. Triston says:

    The order of the planets closest to the sun goes, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. Mercury is the hottest planet in the solar system knowing its the closest planet to the sun. Mars is said to have had life living on it a long time ago and now its just dust. Earth is currently the only planet in the solar system that has life on it as we know of. Jupiter is a planet that has the biggest storm in our solar system that is thousands of years old and still hasn’t stopped. Saturn has a ring around it made up of rocks big and small which is where most of our asteroids come from. Neptune is the coldest planet in the solar system due to the fact that its the farthest planet from the sun.

  23. Rai says:

    The planets are in this order from closest to the sun to farthest from the sun
    Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune. Earth is the only known planet to have life on it. Mars has ice on it, Saturn’s rings are made of ice, and Pluto is a dwarf planet(i still count it as a planet)

  24. Elizabeth Karger says:

    Ok, I know that there are 8 planets I can’t remember if that counts pluto. I believe the sun is 93 million miles away from earth and I only know that from watching the office because andy talks about it in his interview. I know that saturn has rings and that every planet has moons. And I know that the milky way exists. So overall I know very very little about planets.

  25. Claudia/Travis says:

    I do know a few of the planets and a few facts about them. I know that mars is very dry and is mostly comprised of a open, sandy desert. and that Saturn has rings around it comprised of large space debris. Pluto is a controversial topic because it is not technically considered a planet.

    • Travis says:

      I learned that Venus was named after the roman Goddess of love and beauty.
      Neptune is the farthest planet from the sun and is the coldest planet in the milky way. Mercury is the closest planet to the sun with only 30% of earths gravity.
      I also learned that the amount of mass and how large a planet is affects it gravity, and its gravity affects its orbit around the sun.

  26. Maverick says:

    I don’t know much about the other planets, I do know a few things though. The order of the planets is Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Pluto had been considered a planet for about 70-75 years, until researches agreed it was, in fact, a dwarf planet. I also know that a few of the planets have one or more moons, and I am only aware that Mercury and Venus do not (to my knowledge) have any identified moons as they are much too close to the sun to have them stay in their orbit. The ring around Jupiter is a ring of debris that was believed to be from a moon that had collided with the planet. The planets also can only sit in the way they are now, due to the fact that they cannot stay within the orbit of the sun.

  27. Leo says:

    I know that there is 8 planets and half are solid planets and the other half are gas planets. The planet Neptune is the planet that is farthest away from the sun, while Mercury is the closest to the sun. The four gas planets are known as the gas giants. The biggest one is Jupiter while the smallest one is Neptune.

  28. carter says:

    -neptune has 5 rings and it is the 8th planet from the sun
    -earth is the 3ed planet from the sun
    -all of the planet odit the sun
    and that is all i now a but the sun

  29. janessa says:

    I learned that the rocky planets are closer to the sun and the gas planets are the outer ones. I also learned that Jupiter can not have living things on it because of its atmosphere.

  30. bruce says:

    The source system is absolutely massive Saturn and Neptune are the only planet with rings on them. and those rings are made out of asteroids and rocks and debris. All of the planets past earth our gas giant. and Saturn looks like Beachball compared to earth and the earth looks like a ping-pong ball. and we have a son in our solar system that will go supernova soonish.

  31. Triston says:

    Neptune, Saturn, and Uranus are the only planets with rings in our solar system. Jupiter has had an enormous storm raging for a very long time on it. Neptune and Uranus are the coldest planets in our solar system. Earth so far is the only planet with life in our solar system so far. Mars is the planet we might be colonizing to but will take a long time to get there. Venus and Mercury are the Hottest planets in our solar system because they are so close to the sun. And each planet in our solar system is alot farther apart than we think.

  32. addison says:

    gas planets are well obviously made of different gasses and it uses gravity to keep its shape and form

  33. Drake says:

    Three new things I have learned about the Solar System is…

    – Jupiter is 11 times bigger than the size of Earth.

    – Venus is just barely the size of Earth, as it is slightly smaller.

    – Jupiter has rings. Four of them, actually! They’re just very small and hard to see normally.

  34. Ellie says:

    I learned about Saturn. Saturn is the 6th planet from the sun and is much much much much larger. It is known as the ringed planet. and the gravity is less than earth.

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