Different Types of Rocks


What are rocks made of?

55 Responses

  1. Amadeo says:

    I claim that rocks are made of protons neutrons and electrons. My evidence is that everything that isn’t plasma or energy is made of atoms and atoms are made of protons neutrons and electrons.

    • Amadeo Maxwell says:

      I claim that Igneous rock is made from magma, sedimentary rock is made from sediments (broken up rocks), and metamorphic rocks are made from other rocks. My evidence is that Igneous rock is made when magma crystallizes into rock. Sedimentary rock is made when sediment is put under so much pressure that it cements into rock. And metamorphic rock is made when rock is put under so much heat and pressure that new minerals grow at the expense of the old ones.

  2. Megan says:

    I think rocks are made out of minerals and gems that can change over time and change shape, color, density, texture, and weight. They could also be made out of old bones that also change over time and become fossilized.

    • Megan says:

      I claim that rocks are made out of cooled magma and sediment. My evidence is the rock cycle because igneous rocks are made of cooled magma when it is in the earth’s interior or out on earth’s crust. Sedimentary rocks are made of erosion,sediment, and pressure. Metamorphic rocks are made from heat(magma), and pressure.

  3. Raven says:

    I’m pretty sure that rocks are made out of all kinds of different minerals and those minerals are what cause them to look different colors and to have different types of texture to them. I would provide a list of the different kinds of materials that rocks have but honestly I don’t know but don’t worry I will by the end of this unit.

  4. Olivia says:

    I Think rocks are made out of minerals maybe. I also think rocks could be made out of a whole bunch of mixture of different things. Those mixture of things could even be other minerals. Granite for example.

  5. Isabelle says:

    Rocks are made out of minerals, granite, and quartz, protons, electrons, and neutrons. There are different sizes because they are broken up into pieces. They are very hard to break but it’s possible, that’s how you get the different sized rocks.

    • Isabelle says:

      I claim that rocks are made up of magma, heat, pressure, erosion, and cooling. My evidence is that igneous is basically cooled magma and metamorphic is just heat and pressured from sediment it changes over time. Igneous goes to a metamorphic rock all it has to do is be heated and pressurized. Sedimentary rock is made up of sediment.

  6. david says:

    I claim that it is any combination of protons, neutrons, and electrons or just atoms, combined to make what we call a rock. Many rocks are just other rocks and elements fused together.

    • david says:

      I claim that all rocks are made of some elements combined into molecules my evidence is that everything is made from one or more elements combined into molecules.

  7. trey says:

    I think that rocks are made of many different minerals. Sandstone is made of compressed sand and is brittle. Other rocks are made of lava and are hard. Sedimentary rocks are made of sediment and so on.

  8. adrianna littlewolf says:

    I think that some rocks are made of two or more minerals or something like that. Some rocks may be made of different mixtures of minerals. There are three different types of rocks such as sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic.

  9. nevaeh says:

    My thought that rocks are made of limestone and dirt buildup after all these years. Most rocks are sedimentary , igneous, or metamorphic. Most rocks made of minerals, at that different mixture of minerals like granite for example. The size varies on the the erosion and the way they broke of in my mind but mine isn’t the best working but yeah I think that wraps it up.

  10. Dante says:

    Rocks are made up of different minerals and dirt compacted from pressure from of the earth. The reason there are little rocks and big rocks is the way they are broken up or split up.

  11. alec says:

    Rocks are made of many different types of minerals and those many minerals make up all the rocks on the earth.They are also formed when the magma deep in the earth cools when it reaches the top they cool into hard rock.

    • alec says:

      I claim my evidence is that metamorphic rock is formed not by melting but by having new minerals growing in the rock while the rocks remain solid. Sedimentary rocks are formed when sediment is cemented together by heat and pressure over a long period of time. Igneous Intrusive rock is formed when magma cools under the surface of the earth. Extrusive rock is formed when the rock cools above to earth or in volcanic ash.

  12. Damian says:

    I claim that rocks are made of minerals and crust from the earth. Most of the rocks are made from minerals, but different types of rocks contain different types of minerals. Weathering also make rocks from bones, mud, and sand. There are three main classes of rock; sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic, they are different through the way they are formed. Limestone is an example of sedimentary rocks, Marble is of a metamorphic rock and Obsidian is of igneous rocks.

    • Damian says:

      I claim that all rocks are made by some elementary minerals, like grains, sand, and grit, changing, or magma. My evidence is by the way all rocks are formed, Sedimentary rocks are formed by sediments; grit, sand, clay, and other small minerals. Igneous rocks are made from magma or molten lava, depending if the rock is intrusive or extrusive. Metamorphic rocks are rocks that have been changed over a long period of time. All rocks contain some sort of minerals. Intrusive Igneous rocks contain crystals, Sedimentary contain sediments and Metamorphic contain minerals from rocks before the change.

  13. SAMUEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! says:

    Rocks are made of various mixtures of minerals that clump together and get baked into a shape,
    Rocks can be all sizes, from microscopic, to being as large as a house, it just depends on what they’re made of and how long they were where they were forming. If a rock is made of a porus material, then it is lighter than one made of solid quartz.

  14. Jestin says:

    Rocks are made up from mud the mud dried and that took millions of years to dry and make probably only one rock. Magma gets pushed up from a volcano and it gets cooled down by water making new land then it spreads out and soon goes into a trench going into the earth then a long time later it may do the same cycle basically recycling.

  15. kylie says:

    Rocks are made up of minerals. Rocks can either be Sedimentary, Igneous or Metamorphic. Most rocks form near the center of the earth.

  16. alex says:

    Rocks are sometimes formed from lava and water meeting and forming solid rock. they can also be created by dirt sticking together or at least i think so.

  17. neal says:

    Rocks are made out metals and many small things that will get cmpct by all the dart on top of to will way a lot and pack it in. inside the earth meny metals compacted into a solid shape but this takes many years to form into a rock. The bigger the rock the more compact it is and it is made out of many different metals.

    • neal says:

      I claim that Rock are made of little gran sesh as sediment which can become sedimentary rocks which become metamorphic. Than malt and become magma as it cools it can become igneous rocks and back sediment rack it will go throw this poroses. All of the rock tip can become magma.

  18. ryan says:

    I think they are made of soil and dirt. The dirt is just compacted and then when it breaks it makes rocks.

  19. Carlos says:

    I think rocks are made out of material that come from around lithospheric plates. I also think that come from two elements being combined together.

    • Carlos says:

      I claim that rocks are made out of many types of substances. My evidence is on a rock cycle it shows that magma when cooled makes igneous rock, sedimentary rocks are made when sediment compacts and cements, and metamorphic being made when either an igneous rock or sedimentary rock gets heated and pressured.

  20. vera says:

    I think that rocks are made up of minerals and possibly dirt. There could also maybe be some science to it, maybe there’s protons or something in them.

    • Vera says:

      I claim that rocks are made up of magma, heat and pressure, cooling, and sediment. My evidence is that Metamorphic rocks are made up of heat and pressure, Igneous rocks are made from magma and cooling, and then the sedimentary rock is made up of sediment. Those three types of rocks are everything different types of racks are made of.

  21. cody says:

    Rocks are earth materials that are made out of granite. Some are gray, red, yellow, or blue. They can be hard and solid. Rocks are all around the world.

  22. Sarah says:

    My claim is that rocks and gems are all formed from minerals that are packed together. If you are looking deeper (I think) they are made up of molecules pushing together to form the different types of rocks, gems, etc.

  23. Makya says:

    I think rocks are made out protons,electrons,and neutrons. I also know that some rock can make sparks and be magnetic.

  24. michael says:

    I think rocks are made many different minerals such as protons or something else and some rocks are made from volcanoes. Then there is the main classes of rock. Which sedimentary, metamorphic, igneous and that’s all I know.

  25. Duran says:

    I think that rocks are made of minerals. And I know that there are three main types of rocks, they can be sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic.

  26. isaac says:

    I think that rocks are made out of minerals. I also know rocks can be sedimentary, igneous and one other one (forgot). Also Some rocks can be softer than others.

  27. Pamela says:

    I think rocks are made out minerals or harden magma. The magma that rises can cool, so that can form a type of rock.

    • Pamela says:

      I claim rocks are formed from cooled molten rock and sediment. My evidence is the rock cycle, but rocks form many different ways in the rock cycle and there are three main types of rocks. Igneous rock is formed when lava or magma cools. there are two types of Igneous rock, intrusive and extrusive. Intrusive is magma that cools slowly below ground and extrusive is lava that cools fast above ground. (95% of the earth’s crust is igneous rock.)Then there is sedimentary rock, it forms from erosion and pressure, and it has layers in it. Sedimentary rock can have fossils in them. Lastly, there is metamorphic rock. Metamorphic rock is changed from one type of rock to another type of rock by heat and pressure or erosion and pressure.

  28. Caden says:

    I think rocks are made of naturally occurring minerals, metals and other solids. I also think some rocks such as crystals can form in perfect geometric shapes.

  29. Hailey says:

    I think that rocks are made out of minerals, sand, bones, granite, metals, and other things. Since rocks are made out of minerals and other materials they cause the rocks to be different shapes, sizes, colors, and textures. Rocks may also be made out of dirt and there are 3 forms of rocks, sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic.

    • Hailey says:

      I claim that rocks are made out of magma or lava, minerals, sediment, and grains. The type of rocks that are made out of the things are sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rocks. Sedimentary rock is created when sediment, which is made up of loose pieces minerals, is put under a great amount of pressure while getting buried new layers of sediment which are later deposited. As the sediment gets compacted and cemented together it creates sedimentary rock. Igneous rock is formed when magma crystallizes on or underneath the Earth’s surface. The last type of rock is Metamorphic rock which is formed when a rock is put under extreme heat and pressure that new minerals grow in the rock at the expense of some of the original minerals.

  30. Saze says:

    I claim that a rock is made of a mixture of one or more type of minerals. Rocks are pieces of the earth that have broken down or “crumbled” off the earth’s outer layer.

  31. Veronica says:

    I think that rocks are mostly made up of minerals, protons, neutrons, electrons, and other things depending on the kind of rock. Different kinds of rocks can be made up of different mixtures of minerals.

  32. Mason says:

    Rocks, like the thing we are standing on or the thing that made the first wheel. yes that’s a rock stone but there are more types of rocks here like copper, gold, iron, and more but what are rocks made of they are made of many minerals like magma makes volcanic rock when cooled and forms into a solid all rocks are a liquid then forms into a solid with some sort of magnetic force! Cool right?

    • Mason says:

      Rocks are made of many things, some are made of magma cooling into a solid or it could be sand falling onto many other minerals at the bottom of the ocean and the layers form into solid by pressure and many other ways rocks are formed!

  33. Matt says:

    I think rocks are made out of minerals being compressed over hundreds of years. I also think the layers on rocks are made by different minerals being compressed together.

    • Matt says:

      I claim that rocks are made of different things depending on what type of rock they are. My evidence is that igneous rocks are made of cooled magma. Also sedimentary rocks are made from sediment. Also metamorphic rocks are made from igneous or sedimentary rocks being compressed with heat.

  34. Kaylene says:

    I think rocks are made of different minerals and they are different sizes and shapes. When I think of a rock I think about how some are white, and different colors.

  35. Sarah says:

    My claim is that rocks and gems are formed from minerals and atoms that have been arranged in a certain order. If heat or pressure is added to rocks they can change form or melt they can restart the rock cycle. It would still take possibly millions of years for the rocks to change but the rock cycle can continue and restart many times.

  36. IsAaC says:

    I claim that rocks are made out of minerals that are compacted into a harder form (rock). My evidence is that for instance sediment rocks are made out of compacted minerals over a long period of time underground.

  37. Emily says:

    I claim rocks are made of different minerals protons, electrons, and neutrons. The different types of rocks are made of different combinations of minerals. Rocks can be made of one or many minerals. Some need pressure and some need heat or cooling. My evidence is that if you looked at sedimentary rock you would be able to see all the layers from pressure. Igneous and metamorphic rocks use heat, cooling and pressure.

  38. Olivia says:

    I claim that rocks are made up of lots of different minerals, or different things could have happened to form a rock. My evidence is that some rocks are made up of magma cooling after the eruption, or different minerals being compacted on which makes them become their shapes and sizes. Or some rocks could be made up of the earth’s crust. They could include limestone, shale, and sandstone.

  39. caitlynn says:

    I claim that rocks are formed from heat, pressure, erosion, and cooling.
    My evidence is the Rock Cycle. The Rock cycle, in this case, starts with magma and when it cools it becomes igneous. Then add erosion and precious it well become a sedimentary rock. Add pressure and heat you get metamorphic and all you do is add heat and it becomes magma. It also can reverse with heat, erosion, and pressure as well skip a step too.

  40. ryan says:

    All rocks are made of one or more minerals. Sedimentary rocks are made up of sand, shells, and other small particles. Igneous rocks are made up of magma that has cooled and hardened. Metamorphic rocks are made under the surface of the Earth due to the intense heat and pressure and form slowly over time.

  41. Kendra says:

    I claim that rocks are made by heat, pressure, erosion & cooling my evidence is called the rock cycle. Rocks can be made of lots of things the most common rock, is a sedimentary rock made of sediment they form in layers over time they can form great giant rocks. Igneous rocks are formed out of magma or lava once they cool or crystalize into a solid they are not that common but are very cool! The last rock is called Metamorphic Rocks they are formed by pressure and heat on a rock new minerals are formed making it into a new rock.

  42. alex says:

    I claim that rocks are formed by cooling magma and erosion my evidence is the rock cycle.
    Magma cools witch turns it into igneous rock then erosion occurs and it turns into sedimentary rock,then pressure and heat is applied and the sedimentary rock turns into metamorphic rock so in conclusion all rock starts out as a different rock.

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