Different Types of Rocks

What are rocks made from? (Remember, make a claim and follow up with any evidence you have at this time.)

68 Responses

  1. Lily says:

    I think rock is made from different pieces of others rocks or minerals that somehow were compressed together to make a rock.

  2. cyrus says:

    i’m not one hundred percent sure on how rocks are made. And how they got here but here’s my theory. My theory is that rocks come from bigger rocks that broke off and those rocks broke into smaller until they were super small but hey thats just a theory.

  3. Mya says:

    I think rocks are made up different minerals. The minerals over time start growing make a rock.

    • Mya says:

      I claim that there are different types of Rocks and they are made up of different types of Minerals. The three Rocks are Sedimentary, Igneous, and Metamorphic. Rocks are a mixture of different types of minerals. Every rock can be all three of the rock types. Rocks and Minerals are different things though, Rocks are made up of Minerals and Minerals have a different chemical makeup.

  4. Amaryllis says:

    I think rocks are made of condensed sand that has been forced into a shape and hardened. I believe this because if you break a rock it makes tiny sand like grains when smashed.

    • Amaryllis says:

      I claim that rocks are made up of different materials that are condensed into a rock shape and my evidence is the materials help decipher if it’s a igneous, metamorphic, or sedimentary rocks and minerals are naturally formed of elements or compounds, have crystals, not made of rocks, and have a definite chemical makeup.

  5. Maddox says:

    I claim that rocks are made from pressure from wind or heat from the sun. Rocks are made by sand being formed or mixing together

    • Maddox says:

      I claim that rocks are made from inside the earth. My evidence i have to support this claim is that igneous rock is the beginning of the rock cycle.

  6. Raegan says:

    Rocks are made out of minerals. The number of minerals depends on the type of rock, but usually, there are one or more minerals that make up a rock.

    • Raegan says:

      I claim that rocks are made up of different minerals, and that they can change based on varying factors. Factors like magma, erosion, and pressure an effect how a rock look,feels, and forms. There are three different types of rocks, they are igneous rocks, metamorphic rocks, and sedimentary rocks. Each type of rock can change into a different type of rock due to heat, pressure, erosion, cementation, compaction, weathering, melting, crystallization, and deposition. Rocks can also become sediment and magma due to melting, weathering, erosion, and deposition.

  7. Allyssa says:

    I think rocks are made of different minerals because minerals are found in a lot of things in nature. I also think that where it is on Earth can change its appearance. For example, if there’s a lot of grainy sand flying around in a strong wind, that could cause erosion in the rock, changing the shape.

    • Allyssa says:

      I still claim that rocks are made from different minerals and different compositions but they can also be made up of simple sediment. My evidence is that sedimentary rocks are just sediment and minerals cemented and compacted together. They can undergo immense heat and pressure to become metamorphic rocks. Metamorphic rocks can melt, solidify and become igneous rocks. Igneous rocks are made from hardened magma and they can turn to sediment and become sedimentary rocks and melt and become metamorphic rocks, etc. Any type of rock can change into another type of rock.

  8. Lydia says:

    I think rocks are made from different minerals from in the earth. Rocks can also form from erosion. An example of erosion would be rivers running against cliffs or other landforms and that impacts the landforms over time. Depending on how the rock forms, it can change the size, color, and density of the rock.

    • Lydia says:

      I claim that rocks are made from different minerals being melted or compressed together. The evidence I have to support my claim is that there are three different types of rocks. Sedimentary rocks, which are formed by soil and sediment undergoing pressure. Metamorphic rocks are formed when Sedimentary rocks melt. When they melt and crystallize they become Igneous rocks. All rocks go through the Rock Cycle and any rock can go through melting, cooling, or weathering and become another type of rock.

  9. Elijah says:

    I believe rocks are made up of cooled magma that different minerals have soaked into over a long time. I know that some minerals are different colors, which could explain the pigment that some rocks have. Gemstones, such as ruby, sapphire, diamond, etc, I haven’t a clue. It is defiantly not related to my first theory, considering that all gems are transparent.

    • Elijah says:

      Rocks go through a cycle. Although I wasn’t really wrong about my first theory, I still didn’t cover everything. The rocks I described were Igneous rocks. These rocks can breakdown into sediment, witch compacts into sedimentary rocks. Sedimentary rocks can, with a enough heat and pressure, become Metamorphic rocks. Any of these rocks, with enough heat, can melt and restart the process.

  10. Robert says:

    I claim that rocks are made from astroids that crash into the earth and some astroids might break into small peices that forms small rocks.

    • Robert says:

      I claim that rocks are made minerals there is a cycle that changes the rocks. Some rocks start at magma and the volcano erupts and it hardens and turns to rock depending on where it ended up it could go back to magma again.

  11. briar says:

    I think that rocks are made from peices minerals that latched on to each other to create a rock. I also think that rocks are made from fallen off peices from mountains.

  12. Vaeh says:

    From my understanding of past learning there are a few type of rocks I know about. There are sedimentary rocks, igneous rocks and metamorphic rocks. Metamorphic rocks are from I assume rocks that existed at an earlier time, that changed over time. Most rocks are made from pressure and heat. Igneous rocks are made from the earth that was once magma is cooled. Like Devil’s Tower in Wyoming. I believe Sedimentary rock is basically sand or dirt and water that hardened a long time ago. Minerals are another thing they are probably made from different elements like salt! I learned all of this information at Earth Science S.T.E.M Camp and a trip to the Black Hills in South Dakota.

    • Vaeh says:

      I claim that rocks are made up of minerals in a solid form and minerals are made of different compounds and elements. My evidence is that of course there are different types of rocks and they are classified by how they form, the rock cycle is the cycle in which rocks are formed and what types of rocks they are.
      Igneous, Metamorphic and Sedimentary rocks are the different types of rocks and most of those can all turn into one solid rock by going through the process of the rock cycle.

  13. Kyleisha says:

    Rocks are made out of minerals for example, granite mixed with quartz. The earth’s outer solid layer, the lithosphere is made out of rock. I knew that from the last unit my class and I did because it said the lithosphere is made out of rock.

    • Kyleisha says:

      I claim that rocks are made out of minerals or different kinds of rocks. My evidence is sedimentary rocks form when other rocks are weathered and eroded. Metamorphic rocks form when there is high temp and pressure. Igneous rocks form there is melting and cooling.

  14. Frank says:

    I think rocks are made of really old sandstone or volcanos because both are a kind of rock. I also think that the ocean made rocks because of a lot of little rocks at the shore

    • Frank says:

      I claim that rocks are made of minerals and there not a compound. The mixed quartz rock is a really good example because it has not reaction to chemical or no magnet attraction.

  15. Kashauna says:

    I claim that rocks are made from different minerals, because they are made of natural resources. There are different types of rock, some made from granite, and others may be made out of soil and sand.

    • Kashauna says:

      I claim that rocks are made up of different minerals compressed together, and there is a cycle that changes the rocks, making them different each time. There are 3 different types of rock. The sedimentary, which are rocks pressed together. The igneous rocks, which are solidified by magma or lava. And lastly, the metamorphic rocks, which are formed when heat and pressure alter the shape and size of the rock.

  16. Lexi says:

    My theory on how rocks are made is many minerals are compressed together through temperatures, pressure, and land movement. The type of rock can vary depending on what minerals are in them and where they are formed. ultimately rocks are made out of small pieces of the earth and minerals combined.

  17. susan says:

    I think rock is made from different things like dirt, sand and organic matter that has been compressed over time and become solid. The organic matter could be anything like bones, plant matter, or anything else of the sort.

  18. josh says:

    I think rocks are minerals that have bean under extreme pressure and heat, causing them to condense and cool in the form of a rock. Rocks can also form from magma that cooled, and hardened.

    • josh says:

      Rocks are minerals that are clumped together and pressured and/or heated until they become one hard rock. For example, granite is a compound of quartz, feldspar, and biotite.

  19. Aji says:

    I think rocks are made out of different kinds of minerals that form different kinds of rocks. some are types of rocks could be based on a certain material like sand or granite. They all come from natural resources around the world. I think it probably takes a very long time for the rocks to form.

  20. Cedric says:

    I think rocks are made up of many minerals, they are many types of rocks so we can conclude that they are all made of at least one different materials and other “resources” could be involved with the ‘production of rocks’. Many rocks can be thousands or millions of years old so by chance many rocks today have been formed over many years, and from personal experience when you cut the stone/rock in half you can see all the minerals that have “fossilized” inside.

    • Cedric says:

      I claim that rocks are made up of various minerals, my evidence supports that there are three types of rocks (Igneous, Metamorphic, and Sedimentary) all of these rocks can go from one to the other. For change to happen they must go through some type of pressure, heat, or erosion. Many rocks take years to form and some are hundreds to millions of years old, and must go through a continuous cycle “The Rock Cycle” to change

  21. Eben says:

    What I think is that rocks are composed of minerals that are crushed together or if all rocks are made from volcanic eruptions so rocks are made from volcanic activity, the outside of a rock could look much more different then what it looks like in the inside because they could be made out of certain kinds of minerals.

    • Eben says:

      I claim rocks are composed of a large variety of minerals that are natural resources. Each rock is composed of different minerals because some rocks could have been made in a different way, and the rocks could have been made in a different place. Rocks can not be pulled apart and identified by what minerals are inside the rock because of the minerals that compose the rock are kinda molded together and thats what makes a rock. There are three different kinds of rocks, there is Igneous rock, Metamorphic rock, and there is sedimentary rock. All of these rocks are could be composed of different minerals and could be composed in different ways.

  22. conner says:

    I claim rocks are made of highly condensed layers of sediment.there are also different types of rocks like limestone others might be like types of granite

    • conner says:

      I claim that rocks are made of different types of minerals. My evidence is that some minerals like granite are made of things like igneous rocks and other minerals but it all depends on how the mineral is formed like sedimentary rock that heavily compacted or metamorphic rock that are heated so intensely that the preexisting rock mixes with other minerals.

  23. Samara says:

    Rocks are made from crushed and compacted soil. My evidence is that the final layer on a soil profile is bedrock. The soil becomes compacted as more soil and organic material are added on top. Also some rock is formed by heat or convection currents. My reasoning is mountains are formed by the rock on the lithosphere heating and rising. Also volcanic rocks are formed after magma cools or hardens.

    • Samara says:

      I claim that rocks are made of minerals or other rocks. My evidence is that sedimentary rocks are minerals or other rocks compacted together. Also metamorphic rocks are made from either sedimentary, metamorphic, or igneous rocks undergoing extreme heat and pressure. Finally, igneous rocks are made from magma cooling. The magma can be made from igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic rocks melted down.

  24. Nariah says:

    Rocks are made of crystals and other minerals like sand or pieces of other living animal like fossils. also rocks can be made of backbones of mountains or volcanos.

  25. grace says:

    There are many things that rocks are made of.They can be made of of different minerals like salt and little bits of soil but it would be hardened soil.Most people think that we don’t need rocks or that rocks aren’t important but really they are important because the main part of the earth is made out of rocks.

    • grace says:

      I claim that that are 3 types of rocks. Those rocks are igneous, Sedimentary and metamorphic and there is something called a rock cycle and that is were a igneous rock, sedimentary rock or a metamorphic rock can turn into any other type of rock. My evidence is the elements that change these rocks can be heat, cooling, erosion like with water rivers, and oceans. Also volcanoes and tectonic plates moving also change and move the rocks through the rock cycle.

  26. Shae says:

    The way a rock is made depends on the type of rock. Well actually, vice versa. There are 3 types of rocks, igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. Igneous rocks are formed by the heating and cooling of lava or magma. Sedimentary rocks are formed when sand, silt, or other sediments form into one mass, creating a rock. A metamorphic rock is similar to an igneous rock, but the one key difference is that metamorphic rocks never melt. They are so close to a heat source that they change physically, morphing into a new type of rock.

    • Shae says:

      I concur with my last statement, the three types of rocks are formed in these ways, and although this is true, I have learned more information. All of these rocks can be formed by the the others through the rock cycle, and I learned this both from class work and from the rock cycle game. A rock’s formation in not spontaneous, it happens over a long period of time. These are facts that were not included in my last statement.

  27. Kiara says:

    I claim that rocks are made out minerals from the earth. There are many types of rocks so they can be made up of different minerals. They also can be made out of sandstone or dirt.

    • Kiara says:

      I claim that minerals make up three different types of rocks, Igneous, Metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks. I remember because the class played the rock cycle game. Igneous are formed by melting and cooling from magma, Metamorphic rocks are just like Igneous rocks but metamorphic rocks do not melt, and Sedimentary rocks are compacted together.

  28. Aurora says:

    I claim that rocks are formed by other rocks or sand or minerals that was compressed together to make a rock.

    • Aurora says:

      I claim that rocks are minerals compressed together. Rocks go through a cycle which is minerals compressed together, Igneous rocks can become sedimentary rocks, the rock will break down into sediment then the sediment compresses into sedimentary rocks. With enough heat and pressure Sedimentary rocks can become Metamorphic rocks, any rock can become Igneous, or Sedimentary, and Metamorphic.

  29. Cade says:

    I don’t know a lot about rocks. But i do know that rocks are compressed sand and soil. My evidence is that the last layer of the earth is bedrock. I hope to learn more over this unit.

    • Cade says:

      Rocks are made from the compacted soil and minerals that are under ground. The and they can be weathered in tho cool shapes and they can also be erupted from volcanoes and put into the clouds. Rocks can go through a long and tiring cycle.

    • Cade says:

      Rocks are made from the compacted soil and minerals that are underground. They can be eroded and weathered into cool shapes and they can also be erupted from volcanoes and put into the clouds. Rocks can go through a long and tiring cycle. The rocks in the cycle are Sedimentary, Igneous, Metamorphic rock.

  30. ReAnn says:

    I’m not sure how rocks are surely made but I think they are made from magma, since they are from lava, they might of had formed into rocks, the magma probably dried up and cooled.
    There are gray, white, brown rocks and mostly all the rocks are hard from the magma, they dried up and I don’t really know much about rocks.

  31. John says:

    I claim that molten rock is called magma. And it is a type of rock that came out of the ground. The rock is not always the same color or made the same way. Some are hard and rough some are softer and crumble.

  32. glenn says:

    Rocks can be big or small they come in many shapes and sizes and there’s so many different types of rocks there’s different types of names for them they can be white, brown, oranges, blues they can also be easy to break or tough as a rock no pun intended you would probably need to use a jackhammer to bake it. I claim that certain types of rocks can be found in different types of areia.

    • glenn says:

      I claim that each rock goes through a rock cycle. My evidence is that rocks can go any direction through the rock cycle like sedimentary rock can turn into igneous rock or a compacted rock can become a igneous rock.
      There’s different names for each rock like sedimentary, igneous, metamorphic rocks.

  33. cyrus says:

    I claim that rocks are made up of minerals. The difference is the composition of the minerals that make them different. For example one rock might have more iron so it reacts to magnets. most rocks are made up of the game thing but in different orders. Thats why they look different feel different and react to things different.

  34. susan says:

    What I remember is that rocks are made from minerals, debris, and/ or organic matter. I take this from our notes and what I remember. The metamorphic rocks are most likely made from minerals and organic matter because they are pressurized and heated, sedimentary rocks are the ones made from debris, and the igneous ones are the ones made mostly from minerals.

  35. ReAnn says:

    I claimed that the rocks are made by volcano magma, soil, and mountains since there is a cycle that keeps repeating it and it doesn’t stop it just keeps going.
    My evidence of this is there are different types of rocks, there are sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rock. They change under the elements of heat and cooling down and pressure from being in the interior of the earth and erosion when at the surface.

  36. Ally says:

    I claim that there are 3 different types of rocks Igneous, Metamorphic, Sedimentary and they are all made up in different ways. All theses rocks can turn into one another through different processes like cooling, pressure and heat. Rocks and Minerals are different from each other because rocks are made up of minerals while minerals have a definite chemical makeup and are naturally formed of elements or compounds. Also rocks are classified by how they are formed and texture while minerals are classified by what they are made of.

  37. Nariah says:

    I claim that rocks are made up of minerals from around. Also it determines where the rock was formed to tell what type of mineral it is.

  38. Lexi says:

    I claim that rocks can be made in many different ways. One way a rock can be made is through Magma crystalizing because of that we get an igneous rock. Another way a rock can be formed is through pressure. If sediment goes through a ton of pressure it can form into a sedimentary rock or a metamorphic rock.

  39. Aji says:

    Rocks are made of minerals that compressed together overtime. they form in different ways making different types of rocks. they take thousands of years to form.

  40. Gaven says:

    I claim that there are 3 different types of rocks igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic. I know that these different types of rocks can turn into each other. The way the different types of rocks can turn into each other is by the different types of rocks melting going under pressure and getting crushed up.Igneous rocks are formed by the heating and cooling in the earth. Metamorphic rocks are formed when when rocks are really close to molten magma and when they get heated up enough.

  41. chello says:

    I claim that there are three different types of rocks sedimentary,igneous, and metamorphic they each take many years to form and the cycle of which form they take is random.

  42. daniel says:

    I claim that rocks are compacted soil that has ben in the for a long time and then ones the rocks are ready they make ether sedimentary,igneous, or metamorphic.

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