Here Comes the Sun!

This image from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT) image shows large magnetically active regions and a pair of curving erupting prominences on June 28, 2000 during the current solar cycle 23 maximum. Prominences are huge clouds of relatively cool dense plasma suspended in the Sun's hot, thin corona. Magnetically active regions cause the principal total solar irradiance variations during each solar cycle. The hottest areas appear almost white, while the darker red areas indicate cooler temperatures. Credit: NASA & European Space Agency (ESA)

What do you know about the sun?

62 Responses

  1. Xander says:

    I know the sun is pretty much a ball of fire but it gives off heat from millions of miles. Its the reason the earth is liveable and that if you get to close it will kill you and it is the cause of seasons and it’s what earth rotates around. I know the sun is mostly gas but not sure what gas.

    • Xander says:

      The Sun is the reason that the earth is a sustainable planet to live on. The Earth rotates around the Sun. The sun gives off heat which keeps everything alive. The Sun is about 70% hydrogen, 28% helium, and 2% other. The Sun is a star. It’s impossible to live on or even be in a 1 million mile radius of it. The Sun is 93 million miles away from Earth. The Sun started shining 4.6 billion years ago. The surface area is 10,000-degree Fahrenheit and the inner area is 30 million degrees Fahrenheit.

  2. Kael says:

    All I know about it is that it’s like 92 million miles away, and is the source of heat and light for Earth. It radiates energy through rays towards all the planets and is the center of our solar system. It is a star and has a volume of about 3 million Earths. All of the planets rotate around the sun, and it’s generally the reason there’s life. It’s like a giant ball of magma or plasma/superheated gas and is incredibly hot. It is also one of the 3 necessary ingredients for photosynthesis.

    • Kael says:

      The sun is the largest object in our solar system and the brightest. It’s made up of mainly hydrogen and helium gases and is extremely hot, with a surface temperature f around 30,000 degrees. It is the main source of heat and light in our solar system. Despite being so large, it’s actually only an average-sized star, and really isn’t anything special, but boy are we lucky to have it because, without it, there would be no life on Earth.

  3. M.A.M says:

    I know that it is the biggest star and that it keeps things warm with its radiation and its heat. I also know that that is where helium comes from and our light comes from. The sun is very hot and I heard that it is getting bigger. There are no living things on the sun.

  4. Wayne S. says:

    That it’s a gigantic star that the Earth and planets around its orbit. Also with that, it helps with the reason we have seasons and days and nights including that it heats and lights up the Earth and planets around it and all that.

    • Wayne S. says:

      In the time that we have been researching stuff about the Sun, there are even more cool things to learn about it. I’ve learned that the sun is made up of hydrogen and helium. I also found out that the Sun is medium-sized in comparison to many other gigantic stars. Another thing I’ve learned about the Sun is that it’s about 4.6 billion years old and is gonna be a star for more years.

  5. Madison D. says:

    What I know about the sun is that the sun is what makes day and night, and if we didn’t have the sun the earth would be cold and we need warmth to stay alive because the sun is what gives the atmosphere heat. If the sun was to close to the earth the sun could scorch the earth because of how hot it is.

  6. Mandi says:

    That the sun is the biggest star, and all the planets are orbiting around the sun. The sun has been around for a long time and that it is about 5778. Its size is about 432,170 and the sun charges solar things for energy.

  7. LucasR. says:

    I know it’s what gives us seasons. It lets us farm crops and have fun in the sun. it lets us get tanned it’s the reason we need suntan lotion. It also lets plants do photosynthesis. Best of all it keeps us from going extinct isn’t that crazy?
    Other than that I don’t know much.

  8. logan says:

    I know some things about the sun but not too much. I know that the sun gives off light to the earth and all the other planets that are in front of the earth closer to the sun. I also know that the sun gives off heat and heats up the earth and the atmosphere to keep it warm there. I know that it is really big and you could fit 1 million earth’s inside of the sun.

  9. aaliyah says:

    Honestly not a whole lot but I know a little bit, like I know it’s a huge burning star (or gas, can’t remember) that’s radiating off heat which travels towards the other planets. The closest planets get the most heat and the ones further away, don’t get a whole lot like the ones up close to the sun. It also affects the weather on Earth and it does help with, photosynthesis with keeping plants alive. And it helps us, humans, in a way to keep our plants alive and animals too. Which is our food.

    • aaliyah says:

      From what I have learned is that our sun is the largest thing in our solar system, it has a surface temperature around 30,000 degrees ferinhight, and it’s the brightest and it’s the average size of all types of stars. And also it’s 70% hydrogen and 28% helium and on my own, I learned it’s a GV2 star which also means, it’s the second of the hottest type of stars. And it’s about 92 million miles away from earth which if far yet close to us.

  10. Barbara says:

    One thing I do know about the sun is that it is enormous. I remember that you can fit thousands of earth’s inside of it, maybe even millions not too sure about that one though. The sun is also the largest star, and it can heat up planets that are miles and miles away.

    • Barbara says:

      The Sun is just a medium-sized star in our solar system. Our Sun is huge, it could fit millions of earth inside it but it isn’t the biggest star, it just seems this way because it’s closer. The Sun is 93million miles away from earth but since it is so big, bright, and hot its heat and light still reach us. The surface temperature of the sun is about 10,000°F and the interior is 30,000,000°F. Dark spots on the outside are called sunspots, these spots aren’t as hot and turn darker.

    • Barbara says:

      The Sun is just a medium-sized star in our solar system. Our Sun is huge, it could fit millions of earth inside it but it isn’t the biggest star, it just seems this way because it’s closer. The Sun is 93 million miles away from earth but since it is so big, bright, and hot its heat and light still reach us. The surface temperature of the sun is about 10,000°F and the interior is 30,000,000°F. Dark spots on the outside are called sunspots. These spots aren’t as hot and turn darker.

  11. Alexis says:

    What I know about the sun is that it makes it daylight out and it gives off heat. It makes the days light because it’s bright enough and it’s really hot and can heat things from far away. I also know you can’t go to the sun or no one has ever been by it because it’s too hot.

    • Alexis says:

      The sun is made up of gas and helium. The sun gives off heat and can make things hot from far away. The sun also has a lot of gravity.

  12. Kirsten says:

    I know that the sun is really hot and is far from earth. The sun also has direct and indirect sunlight. The sun gives the earth sunlight which we need, if we didn’t have that sunlight we would just live in a pitch black world. Then plants wouldn’t be able to grow and if we don’t have plants then their is a very limited food supply. Then we wouldn’t be able to grow cotton and if we don’t have cotton then we wouldn’t be able to make good, soft clothes.

    • Kirsten says:

      I learned that the Sun is 4.6 billion years old and that it’s 93 million miles away from Earth. The light from the Sun takes 8 minutes to get to Earth. The darker spots on the Sun are just cooler areas of the Sun, they are called Sunspots. The Sun is a medium-sized star, that helps grow our food and goods on Earth. The Sun also helps with keeping our planet bright and happy.

  13. Luke K says:

    The sun is a star, a burning ball of plasma in space. Earth orbits the sun, and the sun’s light is the basis of almost all food chains on the planet. The sun releases many forms of light and heat. Some, like UV lights, are harmful, and others, are not in a human’s field of the spectrum. Meaning some of the light radiated off the sun we can’t even see. Without the sun, we wouldn’t be able to see, and wouldn’t exist, because we can’t survive without warmth. The sun is about halfway through its life because the gas the sun is burning as fuel is always running out. The sun will burn its current fuel for around five billion more years before it runs out, and has to switch to a new fuel, which will make the sun larger into a red giant star. When this happens, the sun will absorb Venus and Mercury, leaving the Earth desert-like and inhospitable. The sun releases solar flares, which are dangerous to humans. We don’t feel the effects of these flare though, because the Earth’s atmosphere protects us. The flares are dangerous to planets too, for example, scientists are almost positive mars once had a sustained atmosphere, but solar flares from the sun, over many years, deteriorated it leaving it with the thin atmosphere it has today.

  14. Lilianna.L says:

    I don’t really know that much, but I know that the sun heats up earth and some other planets and is what gives earth light and power, like solar panels and things like that. I also know that some things from the sun can be harmful, like too much sun can give you sun burn or some type of cancer? i think.

    • Lilianna says:

      All I know about the sun is that it’s just one of the many stars in the solar system. It is our one and only heat source that’s keeping us alive and giving us light, Although it can be harmful to some people too like some die of skin cancer or heat stroke. It heats up all the planets, some more than others and gives light to every single one. The sun is basically just a big ball of helium and hydrogen and eventually, it will burn out but that’s probably more in the future so we don’t really need to worry about that. The sun’s gravity pulls on the planets keeping them in orbit and it has a several layer atmosphere and is basically just a big ball of gas keeping us alive.

  15. marquis says:

    I know that the sun will grow into a red giant and possibly incinerate the earth. It is a star that releases radiation and keeps the earth warm. At some point in time, it might go supernova.

  16. Hattie says:

    I know that the sun is actually a star. I also know that the sun’s rays help keeps us warm by using the greenhouse effect. I know that if the earth’s atmosphere lets too much of the sun’s radiation, it could cause the glaciers to melt, and it is one cause of global warming.

    • Hattie says:

      I know that the sun is a star that is actually medium-sized compared to the other stars in the galaxy. I also know that the sun’s surface is 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit, and the inside of the sun is 30,000,000 degrees Fahrenheit. I know that in five billion years, the sun will “die” and explode. I also know that the sun’s energy can keep planets in the solar system. Without the sun, planets will float in space.

  17. oliver says:

    So I know that the sun is a huge ball of gas. It can spread heat all over the solar system but it does have it’s limits. Like planets in the back don’t get a whole lot of sun but still get some. And it is in the middle of the solar system.

    • olive says:

      The sun is not the biggest thing in the universe but is still big like bigger than everything in our solar system. And it gives heat all over the solar system. It takes 8 minutes for the sun’s light to get to earth. So that means it would take 8 minutes to realize the sun went out.

  18. mason says:

    The sun is a massive star that produces heat that heats up planets close enough to it. You will also get tan or sunburnt if you stay in the light of the sun for too long. If you stay out in the sun for a way too long you can get skin cancer. Also, one thing is that people have never gotten close to the sun because it’s way to hot by the sun.

    • mason says:

      The sun is a massive ball made up of hydrogen and helium. Even though it looks huge it’s actually a medium-sized star it just looks big because it’s the closest star. The sun is around 4.6 billion years old. The sun has six layers to it Corona, Chrosphere, Photosphere, Convective zone, Radiation zone, and the Core. It is 93 million miles away.

  19. Cecelia says:

    I know that the sun is the main heat source of the Earth. It is millions and millions of miles away I believe. I think the sun gives off a lot of energy. I think the sun has an atmosphere but I don’t know if it is thick or big, I believe it is a thin atmosphere. I know is that the sun is a huge star. I don’t know a lot of scientific things about it, but I do know it has little explosions on the surface.

    • Cecelia says:

      The sun in the center of our solar system. The Sun is a medium-sized star and is made up of mostly hydrogen and helium, so it is just a big ball of gas. The Sun is 93 million miles away from Earth. It is about 4.6 billion years old and in about 5 billion I will turn to a red giant, shrink to about the size of the Earth and disappear. The sun is extremely hot reaching temperatures up to about 10,000°F. The Sun’s inner core can reach up to 30,000,000°F. Inside the sun, you can fit more than 1 million Earths, this shows how big the sun truly is!

  20. Alexis says:

    I know that the sun is made of fiery gas that warms the earth and other planets around the sun. It also powers solar panels. And gives us light and vitamin D which is good for use.

    • Alexis says:

      The sun is made up of mostly hydrogen and helium. More than 1 million Earth can fit in it. It only takes 8 minutes for the light from the sun to get to the Earth. The sun is 93 million miles away. The sun is an average-sized star.

  21. cy says:

    Wellllllll- uhhhhh- I know that the sun is H U G E and gives off a lot of heat to what ever is close to it. I know that Earth is very far from it so we don’t all die. And all the planets go around it. Andddddd- if you look at it for too long you could damage your eyes, like really badly. It also gives off a lot of light, making day time. And if you look outside and there is no light, well its probably night, or its the end of the world.

    • Cy says:

      Okay well, I still don’t know that much about the sun, and it’s been so long that I forgot almost everything, but I do know that it is a huge star made of gas. And, as I said before, that sun is EXTREMELY hot, like 10,000 million degrees on the outer surface of the sun. What I also know now that I didn’t before is that in like 5 billion years the sun will explode. but humanity is definitely not going to be here by then. The sun is also super far away, like, 93 million miles away. But that’s good because if it was closer we would probably die from all the heat.

  22. Jada says:

    What I know about the sun is that its a giant ball of gas that admits heat, energy, and light. The sun gives off rays that heat things around it up like Earth and the other planets in our solar system. We also need the sun to survive, If we had no sun, Earth would be too cold to live on and we would all die. Plus I know that the sun is really, really old.

  23. Diane says:

    All I know is that the sun is a gigantic ball of fire that gives off heat for over a million miles. The sun heats up the earth and other planets. The sun is the biggest star in the galaxy. The sun gives us light and power.

    • diane says:

      Well, I know that the sun will explode in approx. 5 billion years. 1 million earths can fit in the sun. The surface of the sun is 10,000°F, and the inside is 30,000,000°F. Sunspots are cooler than the sun. It takes eight minutes for light to go from the sun to the earth. 4.5 billion years ago the sun formed.

  24. Sami says:

    All I know is that if the sun goes out it will take us about eight minutes to realize it. I also know that the sun is a star and it’s like made up of fire. I know is that the sun heats up the earth (and some other planets) and the earth spins around the sun. The last thing I know is that without the sun most things wouldn’t be able to survive and if we were any closer to the sun there would be too much heat on earth and we wouldn’t be able to live on it. Same if we were farther back, but I’m not sure if it would be as bad or not because it might be too cold for people and plants but not for the animals at the poles. The sun is also needed to keep not only Earth but other planets warm.

    • Sami says:

      The sun is one of the only reasons why life is sustainable on earth because it provides heat and light which allows plants and crops to grow, the plants give off oxygen and crops are food, so basically the sun is the reason that we are alive. But also it could be because of the order of the planets because if the earth was where mercury is, we would be dead most likely from hyperthermia, so I guess we just got lucky. The sun is also a star, but not the largest star in the solar system. One day the sun will become a red giant, from getting hotter and hotter each year. The sun is 93 million miles away from Earth and has an average surface temp. of 10000 °F, and mostly made up of hydrogen and helium. The earth spins around the sun and completes an orbit once a year.

  25. cameron says:

    What I know about the sun is mainly made of helium and carbon.
    The sun is around 27 million degrees and this heats up the plantest that revolves around the sun.
    The sun releases radiation on our earth but most of it doesn’t get to the earth most of it gets caught in the atmosphere.

    • cam says:

      what I know about the sun is the thing that keeps us alive today and that it is mainly made of helium and carbon is about 27 million degrees releases radiation but most of it doesn’t in around five billion years the sun will use up all of its gasses that keep it together the sun is around 4.6 billion years old it takes about eight minutes for light to travel to earth at the around 299 million miles ann hour I thin not too sure

  26. Dennis says:

    I know that the sun is essentially a huge ball of fire that our earth orbits and the sun also gives us light and warmth. The sun also has a more brutal side and burns everything in its path and is currently burning through our ozone layer so if it does fully burn through the ozone layer we will feel the true heat of the sun and kill us all.

    • Dennis says:

      The Sun is a star that is made up of all sorts of gases and is the center of our universe. The Sun can kill us all if we felt its full power so it’s a good thing we have an ozone layer. People have found a way to turn the Sun into a renewable energy source in case we use all the earth’s oil.

  27. dakota U says:

    everything in our solar system revolves around the sun.
    The sun emits light and heat, the sun emits radiation witch warms the earth
    the sun’s radiation is what causes sunburns and can cause skin cancer.
    The sun also plays a major role in photosynthesis.
    without the sun the earth would have no light.

    • dakota says:

      The sun is made up of mainly hydrogen and helium. The sun is what gives our atmosphere heat. The sun plays a major role in photosynthesis in plants, and without the sun it would be pitch black. There wouldn’t be much if any life on earth. The sun is about 92 million miles from earth. Our sun is also a fairly average size star.

  28. Caiden says:

    I don’t know much about the sun but I will try to give facts about the sun.

    The sun is one giant ball of fire but it is also known as a star.
    The sun is known for many things including, one, is that the sun is part of the water cycle. The sun’s job is heating for evaporation and the sun is also helpful for plants. It is kind of like food for plants but more like an energy bar. The sun also heats up the Earth which keeps all the people in the world warmer. That is all I know about the sun.

    • Caiden says:

      3 Facts about the sun

      1: Hydrogen- Helium is are main gases
      2: Surface- 10,000 DEG. F, Inside- 30,000,000 DEG. F
      3:Core- inner part of the sun

  29. Benjamin says:

    The sun is a big ball of gas and it’s made up of hydrogen, oxygen. the sun gives off radiation and keeps the earth warm with its ultraviolet rays sending off light and warmth. It’s at the center of the solar system where every planet is orbiting it and also gives off warm to other planets as well.

  30. logan says:

    I know that the sun is made out of hydrogen and helium, it is 92 million miles away, it can fit 1 million earths inside of it, it gives off heat, it gives out light to all the planets and it is the center of our solar system.

  31. Laurel says:

    The Sun has many features that make it the Sun and a star. So these are the ones that I’ve learned. The Sun is 4.6 billion years old and the surface temperature is more than 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit. On the inside of the Sun, It’s even hotter at 30,000,000 degrees Fahrenheit! What makes up the Sun is hydrogen and helium, the spots on the Sun that are black, or darker are colder than the rest. My last few facts are how fusion in the Sun creates light and heat of the Sun, and last but not least, more than a million Earths could fit in the Sun.

  32. Madison says:

    The surface of the sun is 10,000 degrees F, but the interior is about 30,000,000 Degrees F. The sun is 4.6 billion years old. And there are these dark spots on the sun called “Sun Spots”.

  33. Mandi says:

    I know that the sun has sunspots and has a core in the middle, it’s about 4.6 billion years old and the surface is 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit and the interior is 30,000,000 degrees Fahrenheit. The sun has lots of gravity and it makes the northern lights with it’s magnetic field.

  34. M.A.M says:

    What I know about the Sun, is that the Sun is made up of helium and hydrogen. The dark spots on the Sun represent the cooler parts of the Sun. The Sun has a lot of gravity and can fit more than a million planets inside of it. All planets orbit around the Sun. It takes 8 minutes for the Sun’s sunlight to get to Earth. The sun is 4.6 billion years old and will eventually die out when it runs out of fuel.

  35. Iris says:

    The sun is a medium sized star and it is NOT the center of the universe; it’s just the center of our little solar system. It is made of hydrogen, helium and other gasses. More than 1,300,000 Earth’s could fit inside the sun. The sun has a lot of gravity and all of the planets in our solar system go around it.

  36. Matt says:

    The sun is a burning star, made out of hydrogen and helium. The sun is the center of the solar system and all planets revolve around it. You can fit around 1 million Earths inside of it. The sun is 92 million miles away and gives off heat to all the planets in the solar system. The sun is also the biggest object in our solar system.

  37. Vincent Smith says:

    The sun is a big burning ball of gas. It could kill us at any moment by the explosions that blast off the sun. After the sun dies we will have 8 minutes before we know it dies. Just like an egotistical person, the world revolves around it. The sun gives us rays of sunlight, vitamin D, and heat. The sun emits helium. Jupiter’s center/core is about equal to the temperature of the surface of the sun.

  38. olive says:

    The sun is not the biggest thing in the universe but is still big like bigger than everything in our solar system. And it gives heat all over the solar system. It takes eight minutes for the sun’s light to get to earth. So that means it would take eight minutes to realize the sun went out.

  39. jada says:

    The sun is about 4.6 billion years old, which is also how old Earth is. The sun’s surface temperature is about 10,000 degrees, its core temperature is over 30,000,000 degrees Fahrenheit. The sun is so big that it could fit one million Earths into it. The sun seems really big to us but it is actually just a medium-sized star.

  40. jeffrey says:

    the sun is made up of gases and plasma and on the surface its something like fifteen million degrees with colder black spots, it is also just medium-sized star and in about a billion years or more will create a supernova and become a white dwarf.

  41. Lucas says:

    The Sun is a pretty average star it’s what gives Earth life. The Sun is also part of the reason it gives us seasons by warming us up and bringing diversity to the world. The sun is made up of hydrogen and helium and one day it will blow up. The sun is also 92 million miles away so the time it takes for light to get here is 13 minutes. The sun is also 10,000 degrees on the outside and 30,000,000 degrees on the inside.

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